As two close neighbours that are sharing mountains and rivers, the brotherly relationship between the two peoples of Vietnam and Laos has been established and forged in the history of thousands of years of construction and defence of each country. And especially, in the past decades, the time-honoured relationship, the strong emotional attachment between the Vietnamese and Lao people, which the foundation was laid by President Ho Chi Minh and President Kaysone Phomvihane, and fostered by generations of leaders of the two parties, States and peoples, has truly become a rare model and faithful relationship in the history of international relations, an invaluable asset of both nations on the development process of each country.

Part Two

Fostering and developing Vietnam‑Laos special relationship and comprehensive cooperation

More than 60 years have passed since the day Vietnam-Laos officially established diplomatic relations (September 5, 1962), marking a new development in the relations between the two countries. This is only a short period in the history of an entire nation, but it is a meaningful journey associated with important milestones that affirm the pure and loyal special relationship between the two countries. That relationship has been forged and tempered through many difficulties and challenges, and becoming increasingly close, bringing effective, practical and comprehensive cooperation benefits in all fields for the two peoples.

After a period of standing shoulder to shoulder, sharing, helping and sacrificing blood and bones to bring the cause of national liberation and reunification of each country to complete victory in 1975, Vietnam and Laos entered a new phase with many requirements and challenges of national construction and development.

Deeply aware of the meaning and importance of the special relationship between Vietnam and Laos, on July 18, 1977, the two countries signed the Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. The two sides have committed to protecting and developing the special relationship between Vietnam and Laos, constantly enhancing solidarity and mutual trust, long-term cooperation and mutual assistance, in all respects in the spirit of proletarian internationalism and on the principle of complete equality, respect for each other’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, respect for each other's legitimate interests, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

  The signing of the Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.

Over the past 45 years, this Treaty has become a valuable and extremely important asset, a solid legal basis for the two countries to constantly expand their special friendship and comprehensive cooperation. The treaty is also a premise for the two countries to sign a series of documents and cooperation agreements in all fields of politics, foreign affairs, security, defence, economy, trade, investment, education and training.

A look from the present

In the field of politics - foreign affairs, the cooperation relationship between the two countries is increasingly close, trusting and profound, reflected in the fact that the two sides have maintained annual meetings between the two senior leaders of the Parties and States in many forms; closely coordinated strategic issues, as well as promptly removed difficulties and obstacles; maintaining the mechanism of sending special envoys when necessary; welcoming delegations to exchange experiences on Party building, political system building, state management, international integration; well-coordinated implementation of high-level and all-level agreements. Besides, the close coordination and mutual support of the two countries at multilateral forums have also contributed to protecting interests and enhancing the prestige and position of each country in the region and the world.

It is worth mentioning that it is the close cooperation that has created the premise to create unforgettable memories of the people who directly performed the task.

Nguyen Van Nghiep, a military expert who joined the volunteer forces to help Laos, in addition to 10 years as an assistant to Party General Secretary Kaysone Phomvihane, excitedly told us about his deep memories with Lao leaders.

President Ho Chi Minh and President Kaysone Phomvihane

“Aside from work, Comrade Kaysone Phomvihane often asked me about my family and childhood. Even on things like evaluating Lao cadres, he also asked for my opinion. After transferring from the Western Department to the Central Committee for External Relations, in 1990, I retired. Comrade Kaysone said that he wanted me to stay and help him for another year, which means that I had lived and worked in Laos for 43 years. I still remember that there were occasions when Comrade Kaysone Phomvihane went on a business trip abroad. Before departing, he often held a meal with us and asked if we needed to buy anything. I often refused because I was afraid to trouble the leader. But when he returned, he gave me a shirt, a pen, or a bottle of tonic. The concern of the top leader of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party at that time for a foreign Party member and cadre like me, was a reliable and profound sentiment, making it impossible for me to forget” – Nguyen Van Nghiep recalled.

In the field of defence and security, the cooperation relationship between the two countries has also been continuously promoted, continuing to be one of the important pillars in the special relationship between Vietnam and Laos. The two sides have closely coordinated regularly and supported each other to ensure political stability, security, and social order and safety in each country. The two sides have completed the project of thickening and embellishing the Vietnam-Laos national landmark system; signed two important legal documents, namely the protocol on the Vietnam-Laos borderline and national border markers and the new Agreement on Border Management Regulations between Vietnam and Laos.

In addition to coordinating and organising the good implementation of signed border agreements, the two sides have also coordinated in the timely settlement of violations in border areas, jointly fought against transnational crimes, and contributed to keeping the borderline safe, maintaining a peaceful environment, with political and social stability, to build the country and defeat all plots to divide the traditional friendship and special solidarity between Vietnam and Laos.

In the last days of May, we met Major General Hoang Quang Huong at his home in Long Bien, Hanoi. As formerly Head of the Vietnam Ministry of Public Security's Representative Office in Laos, he just retired last year after finishing his working term in Laos. Having worked for many years in the country of a Million Elephants, his nostalgia for Laos is always intense, especially on the occasion of the Laotian New Year, when Lao friends who are working and studying in Vietnam come to visit him.

Major General Hoang Quang Huong said that 62 years ago, as soon as the Lao People's Public Security force was established (April 5, 1961), the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security sent the first team of experts to Laos to help the Lao police force to carry out the work of maintaining political security, social order and safety, internal protection, suppression of reactionaries, defamation, fraud, etc. Entering the period of construction and development of Lao, the force of experts in the police of Vietnam continued to effectively advise the Lao side on the work of building the force and basic operations; thereby helping Laos to build and form a strong police force.

Major General Hoang Quang Huong speaks at an event to recall the support of Vietnamese public security experts for Laos.

Based on the delegation of Vietnamese police experts in Laos, on January 21, 2005, the Representative Office of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam was established in Laos, to meet the assigned tasks in the new situation. As the head of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Public Security in Laos (January 2018-2021), Major General Hoang Quang Huong had the opportunity to travel to many provinces of Laos, meet, talk and feel sincere feelings of the people of Laos towards the country and people of Vietnam.

In the assigned tasks, he was extremely interested in the renovation and improvement of the quality of training cooperation between the two Public Security Ministries. Recognising the practical need for cooperation between the two police forces, Huong proposed that all levels promote the training and teaching of Vietnamese for the Lao police force. He also proposed that the Ministry of Education and Training appoint full-time Vietnamese language teachers for the Lao police force.

“Every time I attend the closing ceremony of a Vietnamese language class in the Lao Public Security Forces, I feel happy in my heart, because this is my mission and also my small contribution to make the relationship between the two countries stronger.” - Major General Hoang Quang Huong said.

In addition, Huong also suggested renewing teaching methods, as well as improving the quality of teaching and learning, organising Vietnamese language teaching for two years for each course, and selecting good and qualified students to go to practice in Vietnam. He used to directly welcome a delegation of Lao students to Vietnam, and take care of them through meals and accommodation like his own brothers.

In particular, in the economic field, the close cooperation between the two countries, over the past time has achieved many positive results, bringing practical benefits to people and businesses of the two sides. Two-way trade has recently been growing at double-digits. Vietnamese investment is becoming a bright spot for FDI in Laos. Vietnam ranks third among countries investing in Laos. Many investment projects of Vietnam in Laos, especially in the fields of agriculture, energy, minerals, services, etc., have been promoting their effectiveness, making positive contributions to the development of the two countries, creating jobs and doing good social security work in Laos, thereby contributing to consolidating and cultivating the ever-growing Vietnam-Laos friendship.

It is valuable, which not only brings financial benefits, cooperation and investment projects in the field of economy and trade between the two countries but also gives rise to deep memories named “Lao-Vietnamese friendship”.

Returning to Vietnam to take up his new duties as Director of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) - Hong Ha branch, Nguyen Van Binh is always full of memories of his years of working in Laos as General Director of LaoVietBank, Head of BIDV Representative Office.

LaoVietBank - a joint venture of BIDV and Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public (BCEL), was born with the mission of connecting the two economies of Vietnam and Laos. Step by step stabilising and developing, the bank has made many positive contributions to the implementation of economic and financial policies of Laos, serving well for Vietnam-Laos economic and trade cooperation, with its participation in major projects between the two countries, especially development and social security projects, meet the political and economic tasks in the cooperation and development plans of the two countries.

LaoVietBank is considered by Lao leaders as a model in economic cooperation between Laos and Vietnam, and is not only a financial-banking institution in Vietnam's business activities in Laos but also successfully fulfils its task of being a bridge between the two economies.

Nguyen Van Binh speaks at an event in Vientiane, Laos.

In difficult years, it is determined that LaoVietBank needs to focus on solving difficulties for Vietnamese and Lao businesses in bilateral payment activities, providing timely capital for Vietnamese enterprises to invest in and produce in Laos, Binh and a team of Vietnamese and Lao leaders have always united and joined hands to overcome many seemingly insurmountable difficulties.

The most memorable event for him is the event related to the expense of setting up the reserve fund of BIDV. This is a valid expense, but your tax authority made a point of still imposing corporate income tax on this expense. Binh met then-Lao National Assembly Chairwoman Pany Yathotou to present and propose. After understanding the knot, she directed the Governor of the Bank of the Lao PDR Sonexay Phaysit to untie it. This issue was then brought to the Lao National Assembly for consideration and settlement following regulations, becoming a mechanism applicable to all banks. “No matter how busy they are, the Lao leaders are always the same, always caring, understanding and helping Vietnamese businesses when facing difficulties,” Binh affirmed.

Binh recalled, when he first came to Laos, knowing that he could not speak Lao, many Lao friends enthusiastically helped and taught him every word so that he could read, write and communicate fluently, helping him to be more comfortable in life and work.

“Many times, my Vietnamese staff, Lao staff and I were invited by Lao National Assembly Chairwoman Pany Yathotou to her home for dinner and got encouragement from her. On the occasion of the Lao traditional New Year, we also had the opportunity to dance Lamvong and splash perfumed water to pray for good luck. On the occasion of Vietnamese traditional Tet, we were treated to banh chung and other Vietnamese New Year’s dishes, which made us nostalgic for being away from home. There is no place where deep affection remains forever in my heart like Laos,” said Binh.

Regarding education and training cooperation, the training of staff and human resources for Laos has been increasingly enhanced in quantity and improved in quality, with diverse training methods and types, meeting the innovation requirements of Laos; training institutions for Lao students in Vietnam are also regularly invested in upgrading.

  Lao students at Tan Trao University in Tuyen Quang Province.

Cooperation in other fields such as science - technology, information and communication, culture and art, sports, tourism, etc. are also promoted by the two sides. Vietnam and Laos have signed an agreement to cooperate in research and training in science, society and humanities, contributing to the realisation of the two countries' sustainable development goals.

In February 2019, during the official visit of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to Lao PDR, the two countries agreed to upgrade from the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation, between Vietnam and Laos, into a great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos. This is considered an important historical milestone, creating a breakthrough in cooperation between the two countries.

  Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong and Lao President Bounnhang Vorachith on the podium at the welcome ceremony (during the official visit to Laos by Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong, from February 24-25, 2019).

   Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong and Lao President Bounnhang Vorachith review the guards of honour at the welcome ceremony (during the official visit to Laos by Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong, from February 24-25, 2019).

Toward the future

Over the past time, challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic have affirmed the close and strong affection between the two nations. The two sides gave each other timely and effective help in terms of finance, equipment, medical supplies, and healthcare staff support in epidemic prevention, showing the spirit of always supporting each other in all circumstances.

In 2021, the Vietnamese Party and State supported the Lao Party and State to respond to the epidemic with 2.65 million USD and medical equipment worth more than 2 million USD; donated 1 million doses of vaccines to Laos; sending delegations of medical experts and military doctors to support Laos in fighting the epidemic.

In response to that gesture, the Lao Party, State and enterprises also supported Vietnam with 1.7 million USD. On this occasion, a series of major Lao newspapers published many articles about Vietnam, many of which praised the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

In 2021, when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in a complicated manner in Laos, Vietnam immediately sent a delegation of the Ministry of Health and a delegation of Vietnamese military medical experts, to support Laos in epidemic prevention and control. According to Dr. Vuong Anh Duong, Deputy Director of the Department of Health Examination and Treatment Management, Head of the Mission of the Ministry of Health said, in a race against time, the mission determined that fighting the epidemic was like fighting the enemy and always remembered Uncle Ho's teaching, “helping friends means helping ourselves”.

The mission's activities in many provinces and cities in Laos promptly helped to successfully solve many problems in epidemic prevention and control, leaving a deep impression in the hearts of Lao people, doctors and nurses and was acknowledged and appreciated by Lao leaders. Many COVID-19 patients who were treated by Vietnamese doctors and nurses and escaped danger, told us that from the bottom of their hearts, they are very grateful to Vietnamese doctors and nurses and do not know if they will see them again. Ms. Sophanavan Saichandee sent a thank you letter to Vietnamese doctors and nurses.

“I am Sophavan Saichandee, I had COVID-19, but I was not stressed because I had medical staff and doctors who took care of me. Fortunately, there were Vietnamese doctors to help, along with the medical team, Lao doctors are also very good at treatment. Now both my 5-month-old baby and I are much better. I see that the doctors and nurses have had to sacrifice a lot of things to carry out the task of taking care of the people's health; Finally, I wish all the doctors and nurses good health, thank you all for your care and treatment; I am very happy to have recovered from COVID-19, a very complicated disease. Thank you very much- Sophavan.”

The simple and short letter from the pregnant woman with COVID-19 has encouraged us greatly. Although we want to stay longer to help patients recover, there were still many patients in need of our help, Dr. Vuong Anh Duong recalled.

Many cooperation projects bearing the imprint of Vietnam-Laos friendship appear more and more effectively in the country of Champa, such as the National Assembly Building, Laos-Vietnam international port, and Unitel telecommunications joint venture, and are living proof that continues to affirm the effective and practical cooperation relationship in many fields of the two countries.

In 2022, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, and the Year of Solidarity and Friendship between Vietnam and Laos, many meaningful activities were organised, such as “Lao Cultural Week in Vietnam”, “Vietnamese Culture Week in Laos”, a photo exhibition entitled “The eternal and sustainable Laos-Vietnam relations”, a book exhibition entitled “The great friendship and special solidarity between Vietnam-Laos, Laos-Vietnam: Imprints through each page of the book, the “Storytelling Memorabilia” contest, etc., along with a series of important events in the diplomatic relations between the two countries which were conducted during the year, contributing to consolidating and strengthening the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

  The Lao National Assembly Building is a new symbol of Vietnam-Laos special ties.

The year 2023 continues to mark milestones in the history of bilateral relations. From January 11-12, 2023, Pham Minh Chinh paid an official visit to Laos for the first time in his capacity as Prime Minister, also the first visit to Laos by a foreign senior leader since Sonexay Siphandone was elected Prime Minister of Laos.

Then, from April 10-11, President Vo Van Thuong and a high-ranking Vietnamese delegation paid an official visit to Laos. This is the first foreign trip of President Vo Van Thuong and Laos is the first country the President has visited in his new position. The above visits once again affirmed the consistent policy of the Party and State which always attaches great importance to and prioritises the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

The fact that President Vo Van Thuong chose Laos as the first country to visit in his new position shows the importance that the Party and State of Vietnam and Vo Van Thuong personally attach to the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

Thongloun Sisoulith
General Secretary and President of Laos

President Vo Van Thuong's official visit to Laos demonstrates Vietnam's strong support for Laos in the renovation and construction of the country, contributing to supporting Laos in successfully implementing the Resolution of the 11th National Congress of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Lao People's Revolutionary Party and the 9th Five-Year Socio-Economic Development Plan. The results achieved during the visit contributed to strengthening the trust and cohesion between the two countries' senior leaders and at the same time promoted effective and substantive cooperation between the two sides in all fields.

The great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos were directly built and founded by President Ho Chi Minh, President Kaysone Phomvihane and President Suphanouvong. The leaders of the two Parties, States and peoples have worked hard to cultivate, have been and will forever be invaluable assets of the two parties and two peoples, handed down from generation to generation.

Vo Van Thuong
Vietnamese President

It can be affirmed that the rare special relationship between Vietnam and Laos has been, is and will continue to be cultivated based on the common goal of the two countries with a pure international spirit. This is a valuable asset, a solid basis for current and future generations of Vietnam - Laos to continue promoting solidarity and building relations of equality, self-reliance, friendship and cooperation between the two countries. Vietnam is always “forever green, forever sustainable”, bringing the role and international position of the two countries to be increasingly enhanced, with great achievements in land protection, construction and development.

Expert opinions on Vietnam‑Laos relations

Associate Professor Nguyen Huy Hoang
Director of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

To strengthen, maintain and develop the special relationship between Vietnam - Laos, Laos - Vietnam, the two sides need to strengthen education for the younger generations of the two countries, helping them properly perceive this relationship, understand and appreciate the heroic history of the two nations and the ancestors of the two countries; understand that the special solidarity between Vietnam - Laos and Laos - Vietnam is sacred, an invaluable asset that successive generations of the two countries need to be responsible for maintaining, protecting and promoting for the sake of permanence and development of both nations.

The two countries should make every effort to create favourable conditions to encourage and strengthen people-to-people diplomatic relations, and to promote all levels, branches, localities, political, social and professional organisations, of the two countries to expand their opportunities. All while exchanging, and learning from each other's experiences; thereby, helping to consolidate, maintain, cultivate and promote good traditional relations between the two countries.

Xayxana Lavilay
Institute for Political Studies, LASES

The two countries need to strengthen cooperation in human resource development, especially building and training political, diplomatic and economic cadres to create a succession team of high-quality, suitable for the digital age; improve the organisational structure to be comprehensively strong, ensuring the fulfilment of the Party’s political tasks in the new period.

In particular, it is necessary to attach importance to the ideological and political training for Party members, officials and employees to integrate the Party's foreign policy, especially the foundation of the great friendship and solidarity and the special ties and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam, making political and diplomatic relations between Laos and Vietnam enhanced, cultivated, replicated and inherited, and achieving new goals in the near future.

Dr. Truong Duy Hoa
Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, LASES

For investment cooperation between the two countries to be more and more effective, the Governments of the two countries need to work closely together to create a stable, open and transparent corridor to attract more investors. In addition, both sides also need to have specific mechanisms and policies for key investment projects that are leveraged in economic cooperation between the two countries.

In addition, both countries need to have mechanisms and policies to prioritise mobilising investment capital in the border economic zones of the two countries, paying more attention to projects connecting infrastructure and logistics in the border provinces. On the Vietnamese side, the Government should pay more attention to capital support, mechanisms and policies so that Vietnamese enterprises can invest in Laos. On the side of businesses, investors need to increase their understanding of the Lao market, the mechanisms, policies and laws, as well as the customs and habits of the Lao people to bring about the effectiveness of projects.

• Part One: Miraculous power leads to great victories