Africa Day celebrated in Hanoi

Despite geographical distance, Vietnam and Africa share similarities in history and tradition, paving the way for both sides to boost co-operation in various areas such as politics, economics, culture, science and technology.

President of the VAFAO speaking at the ceremony  (Photo: CPV)
President of the VAFAO speaking at the ceremony (Photo: CPV)

Hua Duc Nhi, President of the Vietnam-Africa Friendship and Co-operation Organisation (VAFAO), made the remarks at a ceremony to celebrate the 50 th anniversary of Africa Day (May 25 1963-2013), which was held by The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the VAFAO in Hanoi on May 24.

Vietnamhas established diplomatic ties with almost all African countries, he noted, reiterating that Vietnam received precious support from the African states and their people during its past struggle for independence.

Regarding economic and trade ties between Vietnam and Africa, Nhi said two-way trade jumped from US$2.07 billion in 2009 to US$4.77 billion in 2011.

Vietnamese businesses have sought investment opportunities to invest in Africa in such fields as oil and gas exploration and exploitation, motorbike assembling and manufacturing, agricultural tools production, and telecommunications. Vietnam has so far invested nearly US$1.2 billion in 17 African projects, he added.

Nhi expressed his delight at the significant and fundamental development seen in Africa over the past 50 years. All African nations have gained independence and many have recorded remarkable socio-economic achievements, he noted.

He said with annual GDP growth of over 5.5 percent in recent years, Africa is considered one of the continents with the fastest economic growth.

On behalf of African Ambassadors to Vietnam, Algerian Ambassador Cherif Chikhi said African Day, which marks the foundation of the Organisation of African Unity 50 years ago, is a chance to recall the past struggles for national liberation in Africa and move forwards for peace, security, democracy and economic progress for African people.

Both Nhi and Chikhi expressed their belief that with joint efforts made by the governments and people of Vietnam and African countries, their ties will further flourish and yield fruits for the benefits of all countries as well as for peace, stability and development in the region and the world.