ASEAN military partners cooperate for peace, prosperity

The 21 ASEAN Chiefs of Defence Forces Meeting (ACDFM-21) kicked off in Vientiane, Laos on September 5 with the presence of high-ranking military delegations of the region.
Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army (VPA) and Deputy Minister of National Defence. (Photo:
Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army (VPA) and Deputy Minister of National Defence. (Photo:

In his opening remarks, Lao Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chief of the General Staff of the Lao People's Army Sen. Lt. Gen. Khamliang Outhakaysone affirmed that cooperation between the armies of member countries plays a very important role in building a peaceful, prosperous and secure ASEAN region.

According to Outhakaysone, the region continues to face complex and unpredictable military and non-military security challenges and threats, especially political conflicts, competition between major powers, weather changes and natural disasters. These issues indirectly affect peace, stability, security, economy and cooperation in the region and the world. Given this context, ASEAN needs to continue to strengthen cooperation and seek ways to deal with new challenges.

Therefore, the meeting is a good opportunity to exchange views on the regional and international situation, ASEAN military cooperation plan and other related issues, he continued.

The Lao official also asked ASEAN member countries to commit to contributing to peace, prosperity and security in the region, and continue to build strategic trust through dialogue and cooperation.

Addressing the meeting, Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army (VPA) and Deputy Minister of National Defence said that after 21 editions, the ACDFM-21 has demonstrated its role as a leading important forum, reflecting the solidarity and continuous development in cooperation between the armies of ASEAN member countries.

Cuong held that only through strengthening political trust, promoting solidarity and substantive cooperation between countries and military forces in the region, can the ASEAN Community effectively and thoroughly resolve traditional and non-traditional transnational security challenges. ASEAN plays a leading role in international and regional multilateral forums, which are extremely important to enhancing trust, promoting mutual understanding, and resolving conflicts and disagreements through peaceful measures.

He expected relevant parties to refrain from carrying out activities that may affect peace and stability in the region, erode trust between countries, and hinder regional cooperation efforts. Vietnam consistently adheres to the principle of resolving disputes and disagreements by peaceful means, based on respecting the independence, sovereignty and legitimate interests of countries, and complying with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).

Vietnam supports the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea/South China Sea (DOC) and the early conclusion of negotiations and signing of a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in line with international law, Cuong said.

As a responsible member of the international community and ASEAN, the VPA has been and will continue to participate responsibly in cooperation activities between the militaries of ASEAN countries.

He went on to say that Vietnam will organise the second International Defence Expo and the ASEAN Military Music Exchange on the occasion of the 80th founding anniversary of the VPA, adding that the country looks forward to receiving the support and active participation of ASEAN member countries in these important events.

At the meeting, the delegates expressed their support for the theme “ASEAN: Together for Peace, Security and Resilience” chosen by Laos, reaffirming the long-standing solidarity and unity of ASEAN member countries, their desire to work together towards building the ASEAN Community, and joining hands to effectively respond to existing and potential challenges that the region is facing.

After discussing the regional and global security situation, especially traditional and non-traditional security challenges that have a direct impact on the ASEAN region, they reviewed the results of cooperation between ASEAN militaries and put forth orientations to promote substantive and effective collaboration in the coming time.

At the end of the meeting, the ASEAN Chiefs of Defence Force approved the two-year action plan (2024-2026), and adopted and signed the ACDFM-21 Joint Statement. The ACDFM chairmanship 2025 was also handed over to Malaysia at the event.