In pictures: Vietnamese and Mozambican first ladies visit Fine Arts Museum

Ngo Phuong Ly, wife of General Secretary and President To Lam, and Isaura Ferrao Nyusi, wife of Mozambican President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, visited the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum on September 9.
The two first ladies visit the lacquer painting exhibition area at the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum.

The two first ladies visit the lacquer painting exhibition area at the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum.

The two first ladies visit the lacquer painting exhibition area at the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum.

The two first ladies visit the lacquer painting exhibition area at the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum.

The two first ladies enjoy tea and moon cake while watching an introduction to the creation of lacquer paintings.

The two first ladies enjoy tea and moon cake while watching an introduction to the creation of lacquer paintings.

The two first ladies experience the process of making lacquer paintings.

The two first ladies experience the process of making lacquer paintings.

The two first ladies experience the process of making lacquer paintings.

The two first ladies experience the process of making lacquer paintings.

Lady Ngo Phuong Ly presents her painting to Lady Isaura Ferrao Nyusi.

Lady Ngo Phuong Ly presents her painting to Lady Isaura Ferrao Nyusi.

Representatives of the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum present gifts to the two ladies.

Representatives of the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum present gifts to the two ladies.