Lancang - Mekong countries augment media cooperation

The 2023 Lancang - Mekong Cooperation Media Summit took place in Beijing on June 27, gathering media agencies from the six countries in the Lancang - Mekong river basin, namely China, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Thailand.
At the 2023 Lancang - Mekong Cooperation Media Summit (Photo:
At the 2023 Lancang - Mekong Cooperation Media Summit (Photo:

The Vietnamese side included representatives of the Nhan dan newspaper, the Vietnam News Agency, Radio the Voice of Vietnam, the National Assembly Television, and the Communist Party of Vietnam e-newspaper.

Addressing the fourth summit, Li Shulei, Politburo member, Secretary of the Communist Party of China's Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Committee’s Publicity Department, emphasised the importance of the Lancang - Mekong cooperation mechanism to the promotion of regional countries’ development.

The media is a critical channel helping foster regional cooperation, he affirmed, expressing his hope that it will continue upholding this role.

At the event, participants shared their views on the enhancement of media partnerships among Lancang - Mekong countries so as to foster regional development. They also sought measures for effectively accessing readers and bringing into play the media’s role in orienting public opinions and strengthening mutual trust and understanding.

They stressed that the media also has an important role to play in promoting people-to-people exchanges and cooperation, popularising regional countries’ friendship, and introducing each country’s beauty, people and socio-economic development to one another.

The Lancang - Mekong cooperation mechanism will create positive impacts on cultural exchanges, human resources, and economic connectivity in the region, thereby generating better living conditions for people and fostering the development of regional countries, delegates added.