Officers and soldiers of Truong Sa commemorate General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Upon hearing the news of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s passing, navy officers and soldiers from Truong Sa (Spratly) were deeply moved and saddened. This is a great loss for the whole Party, State, and people, including officers and soldiers working on the Truong Sa Islands.
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited and encouraged officers and sailors of Submarine 184 on May 5, 2016.
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited and encouraged officers and sailors of Submarine 184 on May 5, 2016.

Nhan Dan Newspaper introduces to readers the feelings of the island's soldiers during these special days.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Quang Phu, Commander of Truong Sa Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4:

In his many working positions, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong always expressed his deep affection and special attention for officers and soldiers of the Vietnam People's Navy in general and Truong Sa soldiers in particular. I will never forget the memory of meeting the General Secretary for the first time during the General Secretary's working trip to Naval Region 4 on May 5, 2016.

During the talk, the General Secretary thoughtfully inquired about the lives of the officers, soldiers, and people of the island district of Truong Sa, encouraging us to unite and strive to overcome all difficulties to complete our tasks assigned by the Party and State. The General Secretary always expressed his confidence in the political bravery, fighting spirit, and willingness to accept sacrifice of Navy officers and soldiers in general and officers and soldiers of Region 4 in particular in the task of protecting the sovereignty of the sea and islands of the Fatherland.

In the heart of every officer and soldier in Truong Sa, the General Secretary will always be a shining example of revolutionary heroism, a noble symbol of steadfast communists, whom every officer and soldier in Truong Sa should study and follow.

To be worthy of the General Secretary's trust, officers and soldiers of Truong Sa today have vowed to have absolute faith in the Party's leadership and practice steadfast political courage; unite, overcome difficulties, study hard, train well, have strict discipline, and have high combat readiness; and firmly protect the sovereignty of the sea and islands and the sacred continental shelf of the Fatherland in all situations.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Quang Phu, Commander of Truong Sa Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Quang Phu, Commander of Truong Sa Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Duy, Deputy Political Commissar of Son Ca Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4:

Over the past few days, the officers and soldiers performing tasks on Son Ca Island and Truong Sa Islands have been following General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's health situation through news reports. Although knowing that "Birth – Old Age – Sickness – Death is the inevitable law of human life", millions of Vietnamese hearts, including those of us working in the Spratly Islands, were extremely saddened at hearing the news of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing.

We will never forget the General Secretary's feelings for the officers and soldiers of Navy Region 4 in the book "Resolutely, persistently fighting corruption and negative phenomena to contribute to building more transparent and stronger Party and State.” He wrote: "Hanoi April 8, 2023. On the occasion of the Party internal affairs commission to Truong Sa, I send warm regards and best wishes to the officers and soldiers of the Naval Region 4 Command! Wishing all comrades to always be healthy and strong to protect the sacred sovereignty of the sea and islands of our beloved Vietnamese Fatherland! To cordially greet and win!"

We promise the General Secretary, vowing to study and follow his example. We will strive to train and build a strong and steadfast political will; improve our qualifications in all aspects; unite, persevere, and be strong-willed; overcome all difficulties and hardships; and stand firmly on the front lines of the Fatherland. We will always be alert and ready to fight, no matter what conditions or circumstances, even if we must sacrifice ourselves, we will remain determined to protect every inch of the sacred islands and seas of the Fatherland.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Duy, Deputy Political Commissar of Son Ca Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Duy, Deputy Political Commissar of Son Ca Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ky Hop, Political Commissar of Sinh Ton Dong Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4:

The officers and soldiers working on Sinh Ton Dong Island, Truong Sa Archipelago, felt deep sadness upon learning of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing.

We are proud of the life and career of the General Secretary — a loyal party member who devoted his entire life to the glorious revolutionary cause of the Vietnamese Party and people.

Experiencing many important positions assigned by the Party, State and people, he always paid attention and expressed special affection towards building a “revolutionary, regular, elite, and modern” naval force, as well as the task of protecting the sovereignty of the sea and islands of the Fatherland.

Turning pain into action, with concrete daily actions, we promise the General Secretary take advantage of every minute and every second to train the bravery of Communist Party members and Army officers, to try to study and practice more, to be more determined, to build a collective of bravery, intelligence, and solidarity.

The unit's leaders and commanders will successfully complete the assigned tasks, firmly protecting the sovereignty of the Truong Sa Islands — part of the sacred territory and territorial waters of the Fatherland.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ky Hop, Political Commissar of Sinh Ton Dong Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ky Hop, Political Commissar of Sinh Ton Dong Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4.

Lieutenant Tran Quoc Cuong, Political Commissar of Co Lin Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4:

The officers and soldiers working on Co Lin Island in the Truong Sa Archipelago were saddened by the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Through studying documents and learning from traditional films and documentaries, from our understanding of the life and revolutionary career of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, we appreciate the late General Secretary's feelings for the soldiers and officers who have been on duty on remote islands over the years.

Lieutenant Tran Quoc Cuong, Political Commissar of Co Lin Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4.

Lieutenant Tran Quoc Cuong, Political Commissar of Co Lin Island, Brigade 146, Naval Region 4.

We vow to be absolutely loyal to the Party, Fatherland, and people; clearly recognise the honour, pride, and responsibility of Truong Sa soldiers; unite and uphold the spirit of revolutionary vigilance; and strive to study, train, and be ready to fight successfully in all situations.

We are determined to build the Truong Sa Archipelago under the motto: "Strong in defence, good in lifestyle, beautiful in environmental landscape, exemplary in solidarity between people and soldiers", worthy of the trust and noble tasks assigned by the Party, State and people.