Party official welcomes leader of Communist Party of India

Politburo member and permanent member of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee’s Secretariat Luong Cuong hosted a reception in Hanoi on August 26 for a delegation of the Communist Party of India (CPI) led by General Secretary Doraisamy Raja.
Permanent member of the CPV Central Committee’s Secretariat Luong Cuong (R) and CPI General Secretary Doraisamy Raja (Photo: VNA)
Permanent member of the CPV Central Committee’s Secretariat Luong Cuong (R) and CPI General Secretary Doraisamy Raja (Photo: VNA)

Cuong expressed his joy at the continued growth of the solidarity and special friendship between the two countries' Parties, States, and people. He extended congratulations to the CPI on its success in the recent Indian Lower House elections.

Providing an overview of Vietnam's recent strides, he highlighted key tasks the CPV is actively pursuing, including Party building, anti-corruption, and socio-economic development. He said these achievements hold historic significance under the CPV leadership over the past nearly 40 years of renewal.

Raja, in turn, reaffirmed the CPI's unyielding support for solidarity with the CPV and the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and India.

Praising Vietnam's remarkable progress, he noted that the CPI closely follows Vietnam's socialism construction process and expressed confidence in the CPV's ability to achieve the goals set by the 13th National Party Congress and ensure a successful 14th National Party Congress.

He also expressed his desire to learn from the CPV’s experiences for the benefit of the people and the prosperity of both nations.

Both sides discussed measures to further strengthen the traditional friendship and fruitful cooperation between the two parties, including sharing policies on Party building, socio-economic development, theoretical and practical lessons learned from Vietnam’s four decades of renewal.

They underlined the need to expand cooperation in economy, trade, investment, agriculture, and locality-to-locality exchanges. Promoting exchanges among mass organisations, including youth and women's groups, was highlighted as a means to raise public understanding of the solidarity, friendship and traditional cooperation between the two Parties and nations.