Philippines' Duterte wants to ban single-use plastics

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte wants to ban single-use plastics in the country, his spokesman said on November 7.

Illustrative image. (Photo: Philippines Star)
Illustrative image. (Photo: Philippines Star)

Spokesman Salvador Panelo said Duterte floated the idea during a cabinet meeting at the presidential palace on November 6 night.

Panelo said the issue on plastic pollution was raised after Vernice Victorio, president and chief executive officer of the Natural Resources Development Corp., shared with the cabinet on November 6 night the priority programs for environment and climate change resiliency. The state corporation is attached with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

"During her presentation, the president floated the idea to ban the use of plastics, which according to him would require legislative action," Panelo said.

Several bills seeking a wide-ranging ban on single-use plastics are pending in the Philippine Congress in an effort to counter pollution from discarded items that end up in waterways and fields.

Senator Francis Pangilinan has filed a bill which seeks a ban on the importation, manufacture and use of all single-use plastics. Senator Cynthia Villar also filed a bill that prohibits food establishments, markets and retailers from using single-use plastics.
