President delivers letter to Air Defence – Air Force on its 60th anniversary

President Vo Van Thuong has sent a letter to officers and soldiers of the Air Defence - Air Force, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the force (October 22, 1963 – 2023).
President Vo Van Thuong
President Vo Van Thuong

In his letter, the President expressed his affection and best wishes to generations of officers and soldiers of the force.

He noted that during 60 years of building and development, the Air Defence - Air Force has always upheld the revolutionary spirit, bravery, solidarity, self-reliance, and creativity, to overcome all hardships and achieve outstanding feats, making great contributions to the cause of national liberation and defence.

Amid increasing requirements of the cause of national construction and defence, each officer and soldier in the force needs to raise a high sense of awareness for this crucial task, while mastering weapons, optimising new technologies and being combat-ready, he said.

President Thuong also expressed his belief that the Air Defence – Air Force would promote their glorious tradition of completing all assigned tasks, worthy of the trust and care of the Party, President Ho Chi Minh and the people.