Royal Australian Navy ship visits Vietnam

The Royal Australian Navy HMAS Toowooba warship with 200 crew on board arrived in Ho Chi Minh City International Port on October 12, starting their six-day friendship visit to Vietnam.
Royal Australian Navy HMAS Toowooba warship (Photo: VNA)
Royal Australian Navy HMAS Toowooba warship (Photo: VNA)

Speaking at the ship's welcoming ceremony, Brigadier General Tony McCormack, Commander of Australia's Indo-Pacific Endeavour Program (IPE), said that the visit is within the framework of the IPE, aiming at promoting friendship and understanding between the two sides, contributing to further strengthening cooperation between the navies of the two countries.

The visit also demonstrates the strong Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and Australia as the two countries celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations (1973-2023), he noted.

Delegates at the welcome ceremony (Photo: VNA)

The Brigadier General emphasised that Vietnam is an important regional partner for Australia and the friendship between the two countries has never been as stronger and fruitful as it is now. The pair share a mutual desire to contribute and maintain a peace, secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific region where ASEAN plays a central role. Defence cooperation between Vietnam and Australia, particularly in the fields of training and peacekeeping, is strong and both sides want to continue promoting cooperation in the coming time.

During their stay in Ho Chi Minh City, the Australian naval delegation will engage in exchanges with officers and soldiers of the Vietnam People’s Navy, pay a courtesy visit to leaders of the municipal People’s Committee, Military Region 7 Command, Naval Region 2 Command, lay floral tributes at the Monument of President Ho Chi Minh, and participate in friendly sports with students of the Naval Technical College.