State leader praises religions’ contributions to great national solidarity

President To Lam had a meeting with leaders and dignitaries of religious organisations in Hanoi on June 13, praising their contributions to the great national solidarity.
President To Lam (front, seventh from right), religious dignitaries, and officials at the meeting in Hanoi on June 13 (Photo: VNA)
President To Lam (front, seventh from right), religious dignitaries, and officials at the meeting in Hanoi on June 13 (Photo: VNA)

Reporting on the situation of religions in Vietnam, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Vu Chien Thang said that as of May 2024, the State recognised and licensed 43 organisations of 16 religions with more than 27 million followers, accounting for over 27% of the population. There are over 54,000 dignitaries, 135,500 religious workers, 29,600 worship places of religions, and 54,000 worship places of beliefs across the country.

Thanks to the Party and State’s attention, religious organisations and the majority of their followers have brought into play the tradition of patriotism and solidarity and significantly contributed to national development and defence, he noted.

President Lam attributed the national development achievements obtained so far partly to dedications by religious organisations and dignitaries.

He affirmed that the Party and State always respect the right to freedom of belief and religion of all citizens and consider this as their legitimate demand.

Many religious ethics match the country’s traditional ethics and cause of building a new society, the State leader continued, adding that the Party and State always pay attention to and facilitate normal practice of religions for religious followers.

The President said for fast and sustainable development, firm protection of the Fatherland, and realisation of the goals for 2030 and 2045, strong resolve, all-out efforts, and active contributions are required for people from all social strata, including religious followers and firstly religious dignitaries.

He expressed his belief that religious organisations, dignitaries, and followers will further bring into play the ethical values of religions, stand side by side with the nation, and actively help with the building and safeguarding of the socialist Fatherland.

Lam also called on the religious leaders and dignitaries to keep playing their role as an important bridge linking the Party and State with followers.

He asked them to continue encouraging followers, both at home and abroad, to stay united with people nationwide; support patriotic emulation movements, economic - cultural - social development, defence, security safeguarding, and external affairs; comply with the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws; fulfill citizens’ obligations; lead a good secular and religious life; and help develop an advanced Vietnamese culture deeply imbued with the national identity.

Pointing out many big opportunities as well as challenges to the country, the State leader requested ministries, sectors, and localities properly carry out the Party’s guidelines and the State’s laws on religious affairs, support and facilitate the legal practice of religions, and create a favourable environment for healthy and stable religious and belief-related activities.