Vietnam attends 15th ASEAN Navy Chiefs’ Meeting

Rear Admiral Tran Thanh Nghiem, Commander of the Vietnam People’s Navy, attended the 15th ASEAN Navy Chiefs’ Meeting held via videoconference on August 11 under the chair of Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy, First Admiral Dato Seri Pahlawan Spry bin Haji Serudi @ Haji Seruji.

Rear Admiral Tran Thanh Nghiem (Photo: VNA)
Rear Admiral Tran Thanh Nghiem (Photo: VNA)

Sharing his views on the topic “Blue economy: We care, we prepare, we prosper”, Nghiem said that as the world and the region are facing the unprecedented challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical shifts, economic recessions, natural disasters and climate change, the interest in the development of the blue economy will be one of the keys to overcome difficulties, develop together, and realise a goal for a sustainable and inclusive ASEAN community which leaves no one behind.

Developing the sea-based economy sustainably is both the right and responsibility of each country, region and the whole world, he stressed.

With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and strategic competition among major countries, traditional and non-traditional security threats such as piracy, terrorism, transnational crime, cyber security, illegal immigration, sovereignty disputes, illegal fishing, climate change and pollution of the marine environment may directly affect peace, stability and development of the marine economy in particular and the region in general.

This requires the navies of ASEAN countries to strengthen solidarity and unity, continue to promote cooperation in maritime security, and contribute to sustainable marine economic development, stated Nghiem.

To achieve that goal, the Vietnamese navy chief suggested the navies of ASEAN countries actively coordinate in and contribute to maintaining a peaceful, secure, stable and law-ruled marine environment; create favourable conditions for countries in the region and the international community to focus resources on pandemic prevention and control and economic development; and take advantage of the opportunities brought about by the fourth industrial revolution.

Regarding the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, he proposed the navies of ASEAN countries share information and disseminate and replicate good practices and experiences in order to contribute to the efforts to fight the pandemic of each country as well as of the whole region.

At the meeting, participants heard a report updating the regional maritime security situation presented by a representative of the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) of the Singapore Navy, and the results of the Working Group of the ASEAN Navy Training Experience Exchange Program (ANTEEP) presented by a representative of the Vietnam People’s Navy; and discussed cooperation activities of the ASEAN navies in the coming time.