Vietnam, Cuba bolster cooperation in ideological, communications work

Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Communication and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia has held talks with Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and head of its Ideological Department Rogelio Polanco Fuentes in Havana to seek measures for stronger bilateral cooperation in ideological and communications affairs.
Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Communication and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia (left, front) and Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and head of its Ideological Department Rogelio Polanco Fuentes (right, front) sign a cooperation programme between the two sides (Photo: VNA)
Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Communication and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia (left, front) and Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and head of its Ideological Department Rogelio Polanco Fuentes (right, front) sign a cooperation programme between the two sides (Photo: VNA)

Nghia briefed the host on Vietnam’s socio-economic situation, the goals and strategy for national future development following the directions given at the 13th National Party Congress, as well as the studying and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, moral example and lifestyle in line with the building and rectification of the Party, and the prevention of political ideology downgrading, “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”.

Highlighting the brotherhood, solidarity, comprehensive cooperation and utmost political trust between the two Parties and countries, he underlined the need to strengthen communications on external relations activities of high-ranking Party and State leaders of Vietnam and Cuba, as well as achievements in bilateral partnership.

The official also highlighted major missions of Vietnam’s journalism, including protecting the Party’s ideological foundation and refuting wrongful information harming the Party’s revolutionary path and the national construction cause.

Vietnam, Cuba bolster cooperation in ideological, communications work ảnh 1

At the talks between Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Communication and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia and Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and head of its Ideological Department Rogelio Polanco Fuentes (Photo: VNA)

He raised a number of specific proposals to further promote the cooperation between the two countries, especially in culture, education-training, science-technology, information technology as well as in global issues such as fake news on the cyberspace, and climate change and sea level rise response.

Nghia suggested that the two sides increase the exchange of publications on President Ho Chi Minh and Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Spanish and Vietnamese, thus providing the youth with a deeper insight into the special ties between the two countries and nations.

For his part, Rogelio Polanco Fuentes affirmed that despite the geographical distance, Vietnam and Cuba have always stood by each other on common battlefields for socialism development and construction as well as in the ideological struggle for national identity. He stressed the need for the two sides to strengthen the sharing of experience through theory conferences and delegation exchanges.

Following the talks, the two sides signed a cooperation programme between the commission and the department on the strengthening of the friendship, brotherhood, and special solidarity between the two countries.

The same day, authorised by President Vo Van Thuong, Nghia presented the Friendship Order of the State of Vietnam to Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz, Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, in recognition of his positive contributions to the promotion of the Vietnam-Cuba comprehensive partnership.

Earlier, Nghia and the Vietnamese delegation laid flowers at the monument commemorating Cuban Hero José Martí in Havana.