Vietnamese, Lao junior army officers join friendship exchange

A delegation of young Vietnamese military officers held talks and joined exchanges with a Lao delegation in Hanoi on October 17.
Vietnamese, Lao young military officers at the talks. (Photo:
Vietnamese, Lao young military officers at the talks. (Photo:

At the talks, head of the Vietnamese delegation, Colonel Tran Viet Nang who is head of the Military Youth Board under the General Political Department of the Vietnam People's Army said that in recent years, the two sides have held effective exchange activities for young officers.

To promote traditional solidarity and support, Nang proposed the two sides closely coordinate in communication work about the history and significance of the relations between the two Parties, States, armies and peoples of Vietnam and Laos, especially in 2024 on the 80th anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army and 75th anniversary of the Lao People’s Army.

He also called for further exchanges among young officers of agencies and units of the two sides, during which, they can share experiences in organising youth activities and improving expertise.

Colonel Nang proposed that the two sides actively coordinate and share experiences in building and strengthening local political foundation, especially in border areas.

For his part, head of the Lao delegation Colonel Soutchay Mahavong, Head of the Youth Department of the Lao People's Army, agreed that the exchange and coordination between the two sides have contributed to creating close connections between Vietnamese and Lao young officers.

Colonel Soutchay Mahavong hopes that Vietnam will continue to support Lao in training military personnel.

The Lao official invited Vietnamese officers to participate in similar exchanges in Laos next year.