Kazakhstan opens Embassy in Hanoi to boost bilateral ties

Kazakhstan officially opened its Embassy in Hanoi on March 30, helping to increase ties between the two countries.

Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son addressed the event, lauding the activity as a step forward in bilateral relations.

Meanwhile, Speaker of the Kazakh Parliament’s Lower House Zhakupov Kabibolla Kabenovich said Kazakhstan and Vietnam have coordinated closely in the United Nations framework and Asian cooperation mechanisms, as well as at other international organisations and forums.

The opening of the Kazakh Embassy in Hanoi reflects the strong desire of both sides to expand their partnership across the board, stated Kabenovich, who is in Hanoi to attend the 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

It also marks the special friendship, trust, and partnership between the two countries, he added.

According to Kazakh Ambassador to Vietnam Beketzhan Zhumakhanov, Vietnam and Kazakhstan have enjoyed a sound relationship, especially in politics, evidenced by regular meetings as well as support they have given each other at regional and international forums.

The Kazakh Embassy, the first in Vietnam since the two countries set up their diplomatic ties in 1992, is expected to push for stronger co-operation between the two countries, especially in economics and trade.

Two-way trade between the two countries rose to US$247 million in 2014 from US$231 million in 2013, the Ambassador reported, at the same time noting the figure remains below the two countries’ partnership potential.

He revealed that speeding up the signing of a free trade deal between the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union and Vietnam is among the tasks assigned to him during his tenure in Vietnam.

The diplomat also said many Kazakh businesses are interested in exploring partnership opportunities in Vietnam, which could be brought by accelerated economic restructuring in the country.