Ministry to revitalise livestock industry

Nhan Dan – The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) held a conference yesterday in Cao Bang province to assess the country’s livestock industry which is faced with enormous challenges.

The industry is facing a number of challenges such as diseases, weak consumption and unfair competition.
The industry is facing a number of challenges such as diseases, weak consumption and unfair competition.

Experts said the industry is grappling with diseases that potentially could burst into one or more epidemics. Moreover, the economic crisis is fuelling the farmers’ and smallholders’ woes with weak consumption along with higher feed and borrowing costs.

Cao Bang Vice Chairman Dam Van Eng said that the livestock industry accounted for 30% of the province’s total agricultural output and the province is faced with two major issues, one of which is preventing the illegal trafficking of chicken from China.

The other is how to deal with the shortage of young animals because Cao Bang does not have a chicken breeding centre.

Therefore, he suggested that the Government should call on investors to establish an on-site breeding centre to provide young animals for local residents.

Deputy Director of the Yen Bai Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Duc Lam stated that a sustainable livestock industry should be underpinned by the combat against epidemics, cold weather and trafficking.

He elaborated that the number of dead animals due to cold spells is tens of times higher than the deaths caused by epidemics.

Deputy Head of the Animal Husbandry Department Nguyen Xuan Duong said the main target for the 2013-2015 period is restructuring the sector in line with market mechanisms so that it can provide adequate food for consumers and increase the income of farmers.

According to Deputy Minister Vu Van Tam, the MARD is co-ordinating with some provinces to introduce appropriate measures to revive the country’s animal husbandry.

He added that the Government will lend support to provide young animals for farmers in remote areas while the MARD will hold other conferences to agree on solutions to help the sector overcome its current difficulties.