Nicaragua sees constant growth and innovation

On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of victory of the Sandinista Revolution (July 19, 1979 - July 19, 2024), Nicaraguan Ambassador to Vietnam Mario Jose Armengol Campos granted an interview to Nhan Dan Newspaper to share about the achievements that Nicaragua has obtained in recent times, as well as to evaluate the results and the potential for cooperation between Nicaragua and Vietnam in the coming time.
The celebration of Nicaragua's victory of the Sandinista Revolution.
The celebration of Nicaragua's victory of the Sandinista Revolution.

Q: Could you share about the development achievements that Nicaragua has obtained in the 45 years since the victory of the Sandinista Revolution?

A: The victory of the Sandinista Revolution 45 years ago marked an important milestone in Nicaragua's history, like an epic poem expressing the dreams and hopes of the nation. The victory demonstrates the commitment to those who sacrificed their lives and blood as well as to Nicaraguan families in consolidating the revolutionary achievements of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSNL) to create a new nation of peace and prosperity.

In the first phase, the FSLN held power until 1990. 16 years later, the FSLN returned to power in 2007 under the leadership of Commander Daniel Ortega, entering the “second phase of the Revolution”. Since then, Nicaragua has achieved much development and innovation.

Among the achievements that Nicaragua has gained, the construction and infrastructure sectors stand out. According to a 2019 report by the World Economic Forum, Nicaragua has the best road system in Central America and fifth in Latin America, as well as quality and free healthcare since 2007.

Since 2017, education in Nicaragua is free, focusing on training comprehensive human resources. Regarding gender equality, in recent years Nicaragua has been among the countries with the highest level of gender equality in the world. Many cultural heritage sites in Nicaragua have been restored and protected. Nicaragua also always strives to ensure safety and security for its people, so that people feel happy.

There are still many challenges in the process of building and developing the country, but the Nicaraguan Government clearly defined the goal of focusing on doing better in eliminating hunger and reducing poverty, promoting sustainable human development, and continuing to encourage economic growth to become a more prosperous country.

Q: Could you please evaluate the historical relationship and cooperative achievements between Vietnam and Nicaragua over the years?

A: Vietnam and Nicaragua established diplomatic relations on September 3, 1979, right after the victory of the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua. This year, our two countries celebrate 45 years since establishing diplomatic relations. The two countries have maintained exchanges across channels, showing mutual support at many international forums. Vietnam supports Nicaragua on issues of sovereignty and self-determination. Vietnam is an example of strength and a symbol of the fight for sovereignty for Nicaragua on many fronts.

Regarding trade cooperation, the two countries have increased their attention to promoting bilateral trade and investment, especially in the context that the trade volume between Vietnam and Nicaragua is still modest compared to other trading partners. Nicaragua and Vietnam have significant potential for cooperation in areas such as agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, and construction.

Q: In your opinion, what are the priorities of Vietnam and Nicaragua in cooperation in the coming time?

A: Nicaragua and Vietnam have very close relations and wish to deepen and diversify bilateral economic relations. Enhancing bilateral trade remains a top priority for the two countries, with efforts aimed at identifying products and services that can benefit both sides. Nicaragua is very interested in strengthening cooperation with Vietnam in areas such as renewable energy, information technology, and infrastructure.

We also hope to achieve progress in negotiations between the two countries and that the two sides can soon sign and implement a Cooperation Framework Agreement in areas such as health, education, agriculture, security, defence, trade, and infrastructure. Nicaragua offers investment opportunities in many different aspects and hopes that Vietnam will become a strategic and important partner, and the relationship between the two countries will continue to develop to new heights.

Thank you very much!