President works with Ninh Thuan province to solve water shortage

President Truong Tan Sang visited Ninh Thuan province on March 17 and 18 to inspect the locality’s socio-economic development and national security tasks as part of his tour to south central provinces.

President Truong Tan Sang inspects Song Trau Lake in Thuan Bac district, Ninh Thuan province. (Image credit: VOV)
President Truong Tan Sang inspects Song Trau Lake in Thuan Bac district, Ninh Thuan province. (Image credit: VOV)

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The coastal province often suffers from drought due to limited rainfall. During the first months of 2015, a large-scale prolonged drought has forced the province to halt production on over 6,100 ha of rice and vegetables. How to solve water shortages for agricultural production was a deep concerned of President Sang during his working visit to the province.

The president examined Song Trau Lake in Thuan Bac district with a storage capacity of 31.5 million cubic metres, which was designed for irrigation of 3,000 ha in Thuan Bac and Ninh Hai districts. As reported by provincial leaders, currently water volumes in Song Trau Lake and 20 reservoirs in the province only reach 13% of designed capacity, adversely affecting agricultural production and leading to damages on 248 ha of rice and vegetables, and reducing productivity on 75ha of fruits.

President Sang urged the province to find long-term solutions to deal with drought, particularly accelerating construction of the Tan My reservoir which faces funding difficulties. The president noted that ODA could be used for the project, along with changes in water use and restructuring crops and livestock to stabilise people's lives.

President Sang also visited Ninh Chu port in Ninh Hai district where he talked with locals about problems accessing capital under Decree No. 67 for shipbuilding for fishermen.

He praised the province’s positive socio-economic development, with an average growth rate of over 11% during the last five years, per capita income reaching VND26.8 million, and the poverty rate dropping to 7.84% thanks to the effective modern rural area development programme.

He stressed that Ninh Thuan should focus on urgent solutions to water shortages. Especially in the context of climate change, the province must restructure crops and livestock production, develop appropriate regional planning of land and water use, and speed up construction of irrigation works.

Regarding marine economic development strategy, the leader suggested removing obstacles to improving infrastructure at fishing ports, as well as to offshore fishing support policy under Decree No. 67.

He also stressed the need to promote administrative procedural reforms to attract investors to the province.

He urged thorough preparation for all-level Party congresses and the 12th National Party Congress.

During his tour to Ninh Thuan, the president visited and presented gifts to Air Force Regiment 937 under Division 370 responsible for protecting national sovereignty over its sea and islands in the southern region and flight training.