TV channel on flood and drought forecast in Mekong River basin launched

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) has officially launched a television (TV) channel on flood and drought forecast, aiming to raising public awareness and understanding of Mekong River conditions.
A section of the Mekong River running through the Lao capital city of Vientiane. (Photo: HAI TIEN)
A section of the Mekong River running through the Lao capital city of Vientiane. (Photo: HAI TIEN)

The channel is broadcasting in English with subtitles in the languages of the countries along Mekong River basin. It will broadcast every Monday during the rainy season on the MRC Secretariat's Facebook and YouTube pages.

The channel provides regular updates on the current water levels, flows, and flood and drought risk forecasts for people living along the Mekong River. The TV channel has broadcast three times on July 17, 24 and 31.

Floods can bring both benefits in fisheries, maintain river morphology and create silt to improve soil fertility. However, floods also have negative effects on economic and human activities, threaten lives and cause damage to infrastructure, residential areas and people's daily activities.

Meanwhile, drought causes socio-economic difficulties for riparian countries. The duration and intensity of drought has increased significantly over the past two decades.

Dr. Anoulak Kittikhoun, Executive Director of the MRC Secretariat, said MRC is currently providing daily watershed monitoring information, flood forecast, guidance and forecast of flash flood and drought to assist the member countries in risk management.

The MRC is an intergovernmental organisation established in 1995 to promote regional dialogue and cooperation in the Lower Mekong Basin. On the basis of the Mekong Agreement among Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, the MRC serves as a regional forum on water diplomacy as well as a knowledge channel for managing water resources and supporting sustainable development in the area.