Vietnam and Mongolia foster traditional friendship

The year 2024 marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Mongolia. On the basis of the traditional friendship, the two countries have recorded many positive and substantive developments in multifaceted cooperation, especially in security, defence, industry, trade, culture, tourism, and education.
A Vietnamese business delegation work at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development of Mongolia. (Photo courtesy of the Embassy of Vietnam in Mongolia)
A Vietnamese business delegation work at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development of Mongolia. (Photo courtesy of the Embassy of Vietnam in Mongolia)

Mongolia is one of the countries that established diplomatic relations with Vietnam early and Vietnam is the first country in Southeast Asia to establish diplomatic relations with Mongolia.

The visits to Mongolia by the President of Vietnam in 2000 and 2008, and the visits to Vietnam by the President of Mongolia in 1994, 2005, 2013, and 2023 have contributed to strengthening political trust and fostering the development of bilateral relations.

Over the past 70 years, the Vietnam-Mongolia relationship has been continuously consolidated and increasingly expanded, becoming deeper and more substantial.

The Vietnam-Mongolia Trade Cooperation Agreement signed in 1996 has contributed to the rapid growth of bilateral trade turnover in recent years, from more than 6 million USD in 2008 to more than 120 million USD in 2023.

The main export items from Vietnam to Mongolia include agricultural products (rice, coffee, pho, dried fruit), beer, confectionery, packaged spices, some types of modern medicine, wooden household appliances, electronic components, computers, telephones, handicrafts, garments, etc.

Many of Mongolia's strengths are exported to Vietnam, such as wool carpets, leather products, leather gloves, etc. Bilateral trade revenue reached 65.5 million USD in the first seven months of 2024 and there is still much room for both sides to promote.

The senior leaders of the two countries especially appreciated the role of the Intergovernmental Committee on Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technical Cooperation established in 1979.

Through 18 sessions, the Committee has made an important contribution to promoting substantive cooperation in the fields of economics, trade, and investment between the two countries, as well as to enhancing business connections and trade promotion activities.

In 2023, Vietnam and Mongolia signed a visa exemption agreement for holders of diplomatic, official and ordinary passports, contributing to promoting people-to-people exchanges, exploiting tourism potential, as well as promoting the culture and history of each country.

According to Galbaa Davkharbayar, Second Secretary of the Mongolian Embassy in Vietnam, the number of Vietnamese tourists visiting Mongolia and Mongolian tourists visiting Vietnam has increased in recent years, with each year always higher than the previous year, but the strengths and great tourism potential of both sides have not yet been fully demonstrated. In 2023, more than 2,000 Vietnamese tourists visited Mongolia, and more than 15,000 Mongolian tourists visited Vietnam.

Cooperation between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City with the capital of Ullaanbaatar of Mongolia has been well promoted in recent years, in which the two sides maintain exchanges of delegations of city leaders and affiliated associations, unions and organisations.

At the same time, the two countries have established many local cooperative relations, such as Tuv Province with Hoa Binh Province, and Orkhon Province with Dak Lak Province.

At regional and multilateral forums, the two countries continue to cooperate closely, regularly help and support each other, notably activities at the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, the World Trade Organisation (WTO), ASEAN (ARF), UNESCO, the Ullaanbaatar Dialogue on Northeast Asia Security, the Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) ...

Over the past 70 years, the traditional friendship between Vietnam and Mongolia, based on the spirit of understanding and mutual assistance, has continuously developed. With the determination of the two countries' senior leaders, Vietnam and Mongolia will continue to achieve more successes.