Bridge uniting people from all social strata

Looking back at the development journey over the past five years, the core political role and responsibilities of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organisations in building the great national unity bloc have been increasingly affirmed. This has opened up new methods for uniting and gathering people from various social strata, becoming more effective and deeply influential within the community.
An art programme at the Great National Solidarity Day in Sa De Phin Commune, Sin Ho District, Lai Chau Province. (Photo: TRAN HAI)
An art programme at the Great National Solidarity Day in Sa De Phin Commune, Sin Ho District, Lai Chau Province. (Photo: TRAN HAI)

A term with many bright spots

Now, whenever recalling the time spent with the authorities and the people in carrying out the task of combating the COVID-19 pandemic, Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, Chairwoman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Ward 3, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City, still cannot forget those special memories. When daily activities were almost "frozen" for the residents, she and her colleagues ventured into the small alleys to support food distribution and provide emergency assistance to severe COVID-19 cases.

Despite the overwhelming workload at that time, the Chairwoman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Ward 3 tirelessly worked to care for the people in her residential area. Despite the hardships and risks posed by the pandemic, those days left a lasting impression on the leadership and staff of Ward 3’s VFF Committee about the spirit of solidarity and mutual care amidst difficulty.

Indeed, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the VFF and socio-political organisations at all levels demonstrated a core role in proactively, creatively, and flexibly organising various practical methods and solutions. They focused on propagating and encouraging the city's residents to calmly and confidently implement the policies and regulations for pandemic prevention.

From the practical experiences in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, many innovative models and effective practices are applied by organisations and individuals. Nguyen Thanh Trung, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City Fatherland Front Committee, reported that during the pandemic's peak, the city recorded over 1,000 models and effective practices for mobilising and caring for people in difficult situations, including notable initiatives like “Social Welfare Stores”, “SOS Hotline”, “Rice ATMs”, “Volunteers supporting COVID-19 prevention and control”, “Grocery shopping for residents,” “Kitchens with love”, “Zero Dong Stalls”, and “Oxygen ATMs”.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the VFF’s work in the city over the past five years, Politburo member and Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen stated that the 2019-2024 term has faced many difficulties for the city's authorities and residents, including those working in the VFF.

However, during this challenging period, the solidarity of the entire population, the mutual support, and the dedication helped the city overcome its most critical moments. In the future, the Front must further improve its work by innovating the content of its activities, enhancing the quality of campaigns and patriotic movements in line with practical situations while also paying more attention to personnel work.

A bridge connecting the Party and State with the People

One of the highlights of the VFF’s work at all levels during the past term has been its monitoring and social criticism activities. In Da Nang City, previously, the area on both sides of the railway line from Le Do Street to Ha Huy Tap Street in Chinh Gian Ward (Thanh Khe District) was close to residential houses but lacked barriers, resulting in many tragic accidents over the years, including some involving children. The Community Monitoring Committee of Chinh Gian Ward was established promptly upon receiving feedback during a voter contact session.

After five months of construction, the residents celebrated the completion of a solid fence system that ensured safety for those living and commuting in the area. Additionally, the project included a drainage system and was fully concreted. Vo Van Doan, Chairman of Chinh Gian Ward’s VFF, stated: “When the fence was built, the residents of the residential areas strongly supported it. The Monitoring Committee was always on standby, providing practical suggestions to collaborate with the construction unit. Now, the road is more spacious and safer, and the residents no longer have to live in fear”.

According to the Chairman of Thanh Khe District’s VFF Committee, Huynh Son Hai, the committee isn’t afraid to address monitoring and criticism issues. Each year, the VFF committees at the district and various levels have consistently researched issues that have directly impacted people's lives, subsequently proposing recommendations to improve state management in related areas.

During the past term, Da Nang City’s Fatherland Front Committee and local political-social organisations conducted 375 monitoring topics. Specifically, the committee carried out 20 monitoring sessions across 11 topics and sent 89 recommendations to the monitored units and relevant agencies for resolution.

The VFF at all levels in the city organised 142 social criticism meetings. Additionally, 56 People’s Inspection Committees conducted 954 monitoring sessions, uncovering 408 violations and sending 402 recommendations. The Community Investment Monitoring Committee held 1,039 monitoring sessions, identifying 140 violations and sending 124 recommendations to the relevant authorities and project investors, which were subsequently rectified and resolved.

Chairman of the Da Nang City Fatherland Front Committee, Le Van Trung, affirmed that monitoring and social criticism concerning issues related to the people's rights have contributed to the Party and government’s decisions to address many legitimate opinions and requests from the public. These efforts have demonstrated the role of the Fatherland Front in building the Party and government and enhancing its position and role within the political system and among the people.

Creating new vitality for the great national unity

Reflecting on the journey from 2019 to 2024, the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels closely collaborated with state agencies and member organisations to promote, mobilise, and gather a wide range of people, fostering consensus, unity, and social stability. The Great National Unity Day organisation in local communities has achieved significant results, receiving strong support and active participation from various social strata.

After 20 years of implementation, over 87% of local communities nationwide have organised Great National Unity Days, with more than 75% hosting ceremonial and celebratory activities. Furthermore, over 62% of communities have held “Great Unity Meals”, with the participation rate of households in each community exceeding 70%.

Recently, in response to the severe impacts in 26 northern provinces and cities caused by Typhoon No. 3, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee promptly issued a call to compatriots and soldiers nationwide, overseas Vietnamese, member organisations, social organisations, businesses, and philanthropists, both domestic and international. They were urged to share and assist, both materially and spiritually, contributing alongside the Party and State to quickly recover from the aftermath of the storm, restore production, and ensure the livelihood of the people.

As a result, by the end of September 27, 2024, the Central Relief Fund had mobilised 1.839 trillion VND. For the first time, the Standing Board of the VFF Central Committee quickly published a detailed account statement to ensure transparency regarding support sources and timely allocation to affected localities. This was well-received, supported, and praised by people at home and abroad, amplifying the spirit of solidarity and brotherhood.

Over the past five years, despite many challenges and difficulties beyond forecasts, the VFF system has focused on completing the tasks outlined in the Resolution of the 9th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front for the 2019-2024 term and addressing emerging and practical tasks. With a broader perspective, after nearly 40 years of implementing the Party's renewal policy, the organisational structure of the Fatherland Front system has been increasingly strengthened. The Fatherland Front Committees at all levels have developed additional member organisations with innovative content and operational methods, focusing strongly on grassroots areas and local communities.

The country continues to promote a comprehensive and synchronised renewal process. In this context, it is believed that the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels will continue to uphold its traditions and the strength of national unity, effectively perform its function as the political foundation of the people-based government, and represent and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people. It will play a pivotal role in ensuring that the people are the masters, harnessing all resources, potential, and creativity of the people in the cause of building and safeguarding the Fatherland. This will contribute to becoming a developing country with modern industry and high average income by 2030 and transforming Vietnam into a developed country with high income by 2045.