Fifth Vietnam Esperanto Youth Congress opens in Hanoi

The fifth Congress of the Vietnam Esperanto Youth Organisation (VEJO) opened in Hanoi on November 29 in the presence of the President of the Vietnam Esperanto Association Nguyen Van Loi. 

Esperanto - a bridge of friendship and mutual understanding between nations
Esperanto - a bridge of friendship and mutual understanding between nations

At the congress, delegates were briefed on the operations of the VEJO in the fourth tenure from 2012 - 2015 and the plan for the fifth tenure from 2015 - 2017 which emphasised on the important role of Esperanto - a bridge of friendship and mutual understanding between nations, acting as a common language for the international community without aiming to replace the native languages of nations.

An Executive Committee of ten members was elected for the fifth tenure with Nguyen Thi Nep elected as VEJO President.

President of the Vietnam Esperanto Association Nguyen Van Loi congratulated the success of the congress, expressing belief that the new VEJO Executive Committee will carry out various activities in accordance with the International Esperanto Youth Organisation.

On the occasion, President Loi presented three certificates of merit to individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the 2012-2015 tenure.