Green economy and sustainable development promoted

The Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee, in collaboration with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Vietnam, organised a seminar focused on improving the business investment environment in the central coastal region, with an emphasis on green economy and sustainable development.
An overview of the seminar.
An overview of the seminar.

The workshop provided an opportunity to exchange and discuss best practices in environmental governance and promoting green growth among the provinces and cities in the central coastal region and other areas across the country.

Vice Chairman of the VCCI, Vo Tan Thanh, stressed the significant challenges faced by countries, including Vietnam, in achieving sustainable development due to climate change and environmental pollution. International studies indicate that Vietnam is among the five countries most severely affected by climate change, while environmental pollution increasingly poses a serious threat to public health.

Vo Tan Thanh, Vice Chairman of the VCCI, speaks at the event.

Vo Tan Thanh, Vice Chairman of the VCCI, speaks at the event.

The VCCI has recently published the 2023 PCI and PGI Index Reports, marking 19 years of VCCI's work in developing and publishing the PCI Index and the second year of publishing the PGI Index. These indices represent VCCI's concrete and practical outcomes in implementing key policies of the Party and the State over the years, focusing on administrative reform, improving the business environment, restructuring the economy, and renewing the growth model.

Douglas Balko, Director of Education, Economic Development, and Governance Office at USAID Vietnam, highlighted the Provincial Green Index (PGI) initiative undertaken by VCCI. He noted that the PCI serves as a measurement and evaluation tool, acting as a catalyst for change, and contributing to reforms that enhance environmental sustainability and the economy's resilience.

Douglas Balko, Director of Education, Economic Development, and Governance Office at USAID Vietnam gives remarks at the seminar.

Douglas Balko, Director of Education, Economic Development, and Governance Office at USAID Vietnam gives remarks at the seminar.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang shared that with its relatively favourable geographical location, diverse development potential, and appropriate investment attraction strategies, Binh Dinh is gradually establishing itself as one of the most dynamic localities in economic development, particularly in the maritime economy. Over the years, Binh Dinh has continuously strived to reform its administrative processes to enhance the dynamism of its government, making it a shining example in attracting investment.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang speaks at the event.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang speaks at the event.

Local authorities have improved transparency, enhanced the capabilities of officials in public institutions, and reformed administrative procedures. They have also actively participated in addressing issues and strengthening coordination among stakeholders in implementing socio-economic development and international economic cooperation.

The seminar served as a platform for experts, the business community, and entrepreneurs from both domestic and international, to grasp the trends in improving the quality of environmental governance linked to green growth, towards successfully achieving socio-economic development goals and creating an open, transparent, and sustainable investment environment.