Hanoi tightens relationship with Beijing

Politburo member of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Pham Quang Nghi is leading a Hanoi delegation on a visit to China from September 8-12 to foster the relationship between the Vietnam capital and Beijing.

Vietnam Politburo member Pham Quang Nghi (left) and Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli (Credit: VNA)
Vietnam Politburo member Pham Quang Nghi (left) and Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli (Credit: VNA)

Nghi, who is also Secretary of the Hanoi municipal Party Committee, said during a meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli in Beijing on September 10 that the Party, Government and people of Vietnam always attach importance to developing the traditional friendship with China, considering this a consistent and long-term policy and a top priority in the country’s foreign policy.

He added that his visit aims to realise the important common perceptions of the two countries’ Party and State leaders, contributing to consolidating the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic co-operative partnership and promoting links between the two capital cities.

He noted with pleasure Chinese people’s great achievements in the cause of reform, socialism and its opening up under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Zhang Gaoli, who is a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, also congratulated the people of Vietnam on the fruits they have reaped in the renewal process and the path towards socialism under the leadership of the Vietnamese Party and Government.

The CPC and the Government of China have attached much importance to developing the cooperative friendship with Vietnam, he affirmed.

The CPC official spoke highly of new developments in the links between the two Parties, States and peoples over the past time.

He voiced his hope that Nghi’s visit will contribute to enhancing political trust and promote new developments in the relations between the two Parties and States as well as the two capital cities.

Earlier on September 9, Nghi held talks with Guo Jinlong, Politburo member and Secretary of the Beijing Party Committee, during which host and guest briefed each other on the situation of each Party, State and capital city.

They touched upon orientations and measures to strengthen co-operation and friendship between the two cities.

Wang Jiarui, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, also attended the event.

During its stay in China, the Vietnamese delegation made fact-finding trips to several economic and cultural facilities in Beijing and visited Shanxin province to find out about the locality’s experience in urban management and cultural heritage preservation.