[In Pictures] Discovering Vinh Moc tunnels - An "unbelievable" underground complex

The tens of thousands of meters of tunnels stretching across Vinh Linh, Vinh Moc is considered an immortal legend, a place that has sheltered, nurtured and planted seeds of hope for ramparts. Vinh Moc is also the most typical work representing the indomitable will of Vietnamese ancestors, refusing to retreat before the invaders.
[In Pictures] Discovering Vinh Moc tunnels - An "unbelievable" underground complex
Located about 6km from Cua Tung Town (Vinh Linh, Quang Tri), Vinh Moc tunnels are considered an immortal legend, a place that has sheltered, nurtured and planted the seeds of hope for the ramparts.

Located about 6km from Cua Tung Town (Vinh Linh, Quang Tri), Vinh Moc tunnels are considered an immortal legend, a place that has sheltered, nurtured and planted the seeds of hope for the ramparts.

Located in Vinh Moc Village, Kim Thach Commune, Vinh Linh District, the tunnels were built by the army and people of Vinh Linh District between 1965 and 1967 on a red basalt hill overlooking the sea. The entire construction area has an area of about seven hectares.

Located in Vinh Moc Village, Kim Thach Commune, Vinh Linh District, the tunnels were built by the army and people of Vinh Linh District between 1965 and 1967 on a red basalt hill overlooking the sea. The entire construction area has an area of ​​about seven hectares.

During the years of resistance against the US to save the country, Vinh Linh’s land endured a huge amount of bombs and bullets. From 1965-1972, the enemy dropped more than half a million tonnes of bombs and bullets on this place. On average, each Vinh Linh resident had to endure seven tonnes of bombs and bullets of all kinds. (Photo: Document)

During the years of resistance against the US to save the country, Vinh Linh’s land endured a huge amount of bombs and bullets. From 1965-1972, the enemy dropped more than half a million tonnes of bombs and bullets on this place. On average, each Vinh Linh resident had to endure seven tonnes of bombs and bullets of all kinds. (Photo: Document)

In 1965, under the brutal destruction of the US Air Force and artillery, Vinh Moc Village was destroyed. The army and people of Vinh Linh quietly moved their lives from the ground to the underground.

In 1965, under the brutal destruction of the US Air Force and artillery, Vinh Moc Village was destroyed. The army and people of Vinh Linh quietly moved their lives from the ground to the underground.

Vinh Moc tunnel is a combination of the tunnel system of Vinh Moc Village people, Son Ha Village and the tunnel of the Armed Police Station 140 connected into a closed, continuous system.

Vinh Moc tunnel is a combination of the tunnel system of Vinh Moc Village people, Son Ha Village and the tunnel of the Armed Police Station 140 connected into a closed, continuous system.

This is one of 114 large and small tunnels dug throughout Vinh Linh District, with a total length of nearly 42km. The tunnel system consists of three interconnected floors, the first floor is 12m deep below ground, where the government headquarters and military units are located. The second floor is 15m below ground, where the villagers live.

This is one of 114 large and small tunnels dug throughout Vinh Linh District, with a total length of nearly 42km. The tunnel system consists of three interconnected floors, the first floor is 12m deep below ground, where the government headquarters and military units are located. The second floor is 15m below ground, where the villagers live.

Along both sides of the tunnel, small niches (1.8m deep, 0.8m wide) are dug into the wall, creating places for families of 3-4 people to live or arranged as maternity rooms.

Along both sides of the tunnel, small niches (1.8m deep, 0.8m wide) are dug into the wall, creating places for families of 3-4 people to live or arranged as maternity rooms.

An "apartment" is dug deep into the corridor at Vinh Moc tunnel. This was also a shelter for many families during the years of bombs and bullets.

An "apartment" is dug deep into the corridor at Vinh Moc tunnel. This was also a shelter for many families during the years of bombs and bullets.

On the bottom floor, the army and people of Vinh Linh also dug a bomb shelter. Thanks to this solid bunker, no one in Vinh Moc was injured during their time in the tunnel.

On the bottom floor, the army and people of Vinh Linh also dug a bomb shelter. Thanks to this solid bunker, no one in Vinh Moc was injured during their time in the tunnel.

In addition, in the tunnel, there is also a hall with a capacity of 50-60 people and some works such as a water well, rice warehouse, Hoang Cam kitchen, guard station, telephone station, operating room, maternity house, and a hall used as a place for meetings, performing arts, and screening movies. Currently, the old hall area has been used to display photos of the life and fighting process of Vinh Moc people in the deep tunnel.

In addition, in the tunnel, there is also a hall with a capacity of 50-60 people and some works such as a water well, rice warehouse, Hoang Cam kitchen, guard station, telephone station, operating room, maternity house, and a hall used as a place for meetings, performing arts, and screening movies. Currently, the old hall area has been used to display photos of the life and fighting process of Vinh Moc people in the deep tunnel.

Some photos are displayed in the tunnel today.

Some photos are displayed in the tunnel today.

Bulletin board in the meeting room area of the tunnel.

Bulletin board in the meeting room area of ​​the tunnel.

Stair system moving between floors in Vinh Moc tunnel.

Stair system moving between floors in Vinh Moc tunnel.

The ventilation well both circulates air and is a way to transport soil and rock to the outside.

The ventilation well both circulates air and is a way to transport soil and rock to the outside.

In addition, the tunnel system leading to the ground is also arranged to help people enter and exit every day.

In addition, the tunnel system leading to the ground is also arranged to help people enter and exit every day.

The entire Vinh Moc tunnel has a tunnel length of 1,701m, including 13 entrances (seven openings to the sea, and six to the hill).

The entire Vinh Moc tunnel has a tunnel length of 1,701m, including 13 entrances (seven openings to the sea, and six to the hill).

In the photo is entrance number 4 looking straight out to the coast. From here, the tunnel will run deep into the mainland.

In the photo is entrance number 4 looking straight out to the coast. From here, the tunnel will run deep into the mainland.

In addition to the "underground village" system, Vinh Moc tunnel is also arranged with many surrounding trenches to serve combat and production.

In addition to the "underground village" system, Vinh Moc tunnel is also arranged with many surrounding trenches to serve combat and production.

In addition to the tunnel system, and trenches, the tunnel is also arranged with artillery emplacements and breakwaters.

In addition to the tunnel system, and trenches, the tunnel is also arranged with artillery emplacements and breakwaters.

In the relic site, there is also an exhibition house. This is a place to help visitors better understand the formation process as well as the lives of the people in the "tunnel village" of Vinh Moc.

In the relic site, there is also an exhibition house. This is a place to help visitors better understand the formation process as well as the lives of the people in the "tunnel village" of Vinh Moc.

Tourists enjoy visiting Vinh Moc tunnels.

Tourists enjoy visiting Vinh Moc tunnels.

Vinh Moc tunnels and Vinh Linh tunnel village system were recognised by the Prime Minister as a special national monument in 2014, attracting many domestic and foreign tourists to visit.

Vinh Moc tunnels and Vinh Linh tunnel village system were recognised by the Prime Minister as a special national monument in 2014, attracting many domestic and foreign tourists to visit.