[In Pictures] Hanoi students begin new school year

On September 5, students in the capital, excitedly go to school to attend the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 school year, joining the joyful atmosphere inaugurating the school year across the country.
[In Pictures] Hanoi students begin new school year
In Ba Dinh district, teachers and students of Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School held the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 school year. (Photo: THANH DAT)

In Ba Dinh district, teachers and students of Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School held the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 school year. (Photo: THANH DAT)

The flag-raising ceremony took place solemnly. (Photo: THANH DAT)

The flag-raising ceremony took place solemnly. (Photo: THANH DAT)

The first flag-raising ceremony begins the 2023-2024 school year at Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School (Photo: Thanh Dat)

The first flag-raising ceremony begins the 2023-2024 school year at Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School (Photo: Thanh Dat)

The first flag-raising ceremony of the new school year is full of emotion. (Photo: THANH DAT)

The first flag-raising ceremony of the new school year is full of emotion. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Joy shines on the faces of students at Hoang Hoa Tham School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Joy shines on the faces of students at Hoang Hoa Tham School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Joy shines on the faces of students at Hoang Hoa Tham School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Joy shines on the faces of students at Hoang Hoa Tham School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Excitement and nervousness are the common feelings of students when returning to school. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Excitement and nervousness are the common feelings of students when returning to school. (Photo: THANH DAT)

The joy of students at Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

The joy of students at Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Ho Thuan Yen, Principal of Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School speaks at the opening ceremony. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Ho Thuan Yen, Principal of Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School speaks at the opening ceremony. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Teachers and students of Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School on the first day of school. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Teachers and students of Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School on the first day of school. (Photo: THANH DAT)

At Ba Dinh Secondary School, the opening ceremony also took place, featuring the joy of students and teachers of the entire school. (Photo: THANH DAT)

At Ba Dinh Secondary School, the opening ceremony also took place, featuring the joy of students and teachers of the entire school. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Students of all grades enter the new school year with much joy and new hope. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Students of all grades enter the new school year with much joy and new hope. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Happy classes at Ba Dinh Secondary School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Happy classes at Ba Dinh Secondary School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

A cute slogan from the students of Ba Dinh Secondary School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

A cute slogan from the students of Ba Dinh Secondary School. (Photo: THANH DAT)

Grade 1 entered their first year of school with many surprises. Many children burst into tears at the back-to-school ceremony. In the photo, students at Kim Lien Primary School are confused on their first day of class. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)

Grade 1 entered their first year of school with many surprises. Many children burst into tears at the back-to-school ceremony. In the photo, students at Kim Lien Primary School are confused on their first day of class. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)

But there are also cute little boys and girls making jokes with their friends. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)

But there are also cute little boys and girls making jokes with their friends. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)

Not used to the new rhythm of life. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)

Not used to the new rhythm of life. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)

Red flags with yellow stars bring joy on the first day of class. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)

Red flags with yellow stars bring joy on the first day of class. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)

Many young people are unfamiliar with the school and class, so they are filled with anxiety before the bustling atmosphere of their first school opening day. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)

Many young people are unfamiliar with the school and class, so they are filled with anxiety before the bustling atmosphere of their first school opening day. (Photo: NAM NGUYEN)