Japan helps improve transport, education in disadvantaged localities

The Japanese Government provided US$406,893 of non-refundable aid for four projects in Vietnam to help improve transportation, teaching and learning in disadvantaged localities.

Japanese ambassador to Vietnam Hiroshi Fukada (middle) with delegates at the signing ceremony (Credit: Vietnam+)
Japanese ambassador to Vietnam Hiroshi Fukada (middle) with delegates at the signing ceremony (Credit: Vietnam+)

A signing ceremony was held in Hanoi on March 23 by the Japanese Embassy in Vietnam.

Addressing the ceremony, Japanese ambassador to Vietnam Hiroshi Fukada stressed that the fund is significant to promoting socio-economic development in a balanced manner without increasing the poverty gap.

Balanced development is part of Japan’s economic development experience and the experience sharing is very important, Fukada said.

He expressed his hope that relevant units would carry out the projects rapidly for targeted beneficiaries.

On behalf of beneficiaries, Director of the Lam Dong provincial Department of Transportation Truong Huu Hiep expressed his gratitude to the Japanese Government and people and promised to work with relevant units to implement the projects as contracted.

Accordingly, US$153,688 will be spent on building a box culvert in Lat commune, Lac Duong district, Lam Dong province to help residents in Nhon Hoa and Nhon Hoi villages to cross a stream safely and facilitate transportation in the locality, contributing to local economic development.

US$87,300 will be provided for another project on building three classrooms and two function rooms to replace poor facilities in the Thin Thec Primary School in Cao Bang province.

The third project will help provide equipment to produce braille and software of Vietnamese translations for Blind Associations in Da Nang and Quang Nam province.

The fourth project will receive US$87,564 to build a boarding house for the Pa Lau Primary and Secondary School in Tram Tau district, Yen Bai province to improve living conditions for 168 students.

VNA - Translated by NDO