Lao media spotlights Vietnam – Laos special relations

Many electronic newspapers of Laos simultaneously ran articles on January 6 - 7, highlighting Lao Prime Minister Sonxay Siphandone’s official visit to Vietnam and co-chairing of the 46th meeting of the Vietnam-Laos Intergovernmental Committee.
An article published by Lao News Agency (Photo: VNA)
An article published by Lao News Agency (Photo: VNA)

The articles reported that right after the official welcome ceremony in Hanoi on the morning of January 6, Lao PM Siphandone and his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Minh Chinh held talks.

During the talks, the two sides spoke highly of the results of the bilateral cooperation in 2023. The two PMs expressed their joy as many cooperation projects have been completed on time, even ahead of schedule, and several existing issues between the two countries have been addressed.

The two sides acknowledged the consolidation of bilateral political relations, saying that this serves as a solid foundation for promoting cooperation in terms of defence and security, economics, trade, investment, industry, energy, education, culture, tourism, and healthcare between the two countries.

They have also exchanged views on orientations and plans for future cooperation, agreeing to continue implementing agreements signed by leaders of both countries, as well as relevant documents signed between the two Parties, States, and ministries and sectors at all levels.

According to Lao media, PM Chinh welcomed the first official visit to Vietnam by Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone in his new capacity. The Vietnamese leader affirmed that Vietnam is ready to support Laos to successfully perform international responsibilities in 2024, including the ASEAN Chairmanship.

For his part, Siphandone thanked the Party, State and people of Vietnam for their valuable support and assistance for Laos in its national construction and defence.

Lao newspapers said that the two Prime Ministers witnessed the signing of four cooperation documents, including a protocol on border guard cooperation between the defence ministries of Vietnam and Laos, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation plan between the Government Office of Vietnam and the Lao Prime Minister’s Office, an MoU on development and connectivity of border trade infrastructure between the Governments of Vietnam and Laos, and a cooperation plan for 2024 between the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training and Laos’s Ministry of Education and Sports.