National Assembly Party Delegation implements task on preventing and combating corruption and negative phenomena

Politburo member, Secretary of the National Assembly (NA) Party Delegation, and NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, has just signed and promulgated Plan No.555-KH/DĐQH15 of the NA Party Delegation, on implementing the tasks assigned to the NA Party Delegation by the Central Steering Committee for Corruption and Negative Phenomena Prevention and Control in 2022.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at a meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee.
National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at a meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee.

The information was released by the NA Office on March 4.

According to Plan No.13-KH/BCDTW dated January 26, 2022 and Work Programme No.14-Ctr/BCDTW dated January 28, 2022, of the Central Steering Committee for Corruption and Negative Phenomena Prevention and Control, the NA Party Delegation and NA Vice Chairman and Deputy Head of the Steering Committee Nguyen Khac Dinh, was assigned to preside over and coordinate members of the Steering Committee, relevant agencies and organizations, to perform four key tasks.

In Plan No. 555, the National Assembly Party Committee assigns tasks to members of the National Assembly Party Committee, including the leading, coordinating and standing agencies; also providing the content and implementation progress for each specific task on preventing and combating corruption and negative phenomena.

Member of the Party Central Committee and Vice Chairman of the NA Nguyen Khac Dinh (Photo:

Regarding the organisation of implementation, the NA Party Delegation proposed, that based on this Plan, members of the NA Party Delegation are assigned responsibility for leading, directing and urging relevant agencies to implement the assigned tasks.

Along with Plan No.555, Secretary of the NA Party Delegation and NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue also signed and promulgated Decision No.556-QD/DQH15, establishing a Drafting Committee to outline a document on the regulations of the Politburo in regards to power control and prevention of “group interests”, corruption and negative phenomena in law-making.

Accordingly, the Committee included 17 members and was headed by Member of the Party Central Committee and Vice Chairman of the NA Nguyen Khac Dinh.