Ninh Binh province wants to foster multi-faceted cooperation with RoK: official

Secretary of the Party Committee of Ninh Binh province Doan Minh Huan expressed his hope for stronger multi-faceted cooperation between the northern locality and the Republic of Korea (RoK) at his reception for Korean Ambassador to Vietnam Choi Young-sam on March 25.
At the meeting between Secretary of the Party Committee of Ninh Binh province Doan Minh Huan (R) and Korean Ambassador to Vietnam Choi Young-sam. (Photo: VNA)
At the meeting between Secretary of the Party Committee of Ninh Binh province Doan Minh Huan (R) and Korean Ambassador to Vietnam Choi Young-sam. (Photo: VNA)

Briefing the ambassador on Ninh Binh’s socio-economic situation, potential, strengths and development orientations, with its economy growing 7.27% last year, Huan lauded contributions by Korean partners to the province’s achievements.

The official cited the example of the joint venture between the RoK’s Hyundai Motor and Thanh Cong Group in Ninh Binh, which has helped turn the province into one of the three largest automobile manufacturing centres in Vietnam.

He also stressed that Ninh Binh considers tourism, cultural industry and heritage-based economy spearhead sectors, mechanical engineering and high-tech industries driving forces, and innovative startup a breakthrough in the locality's economy.

It will soon announce the provincial master plan for 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050, with a list of priority projects, he said, suggesting the ambassador help with connecting the locality and Korean enterprises, organisations and localities in such areas as leisure tourism, health care and sports.

Ninh Binh also wishes to enhance cooperation with and learn from the RoK’s experience in heritage management and preservation, semiconductors, big data and artificial intelligence, Huan continued.

The official affirmed that Ninh Binh always welcomes and creates optimal conditions for partners across the world, including those from the RoK, to study investment opportunities and operate in the locality.

For his part, the ambassador took note of Ninh Binh’s potential and investment opportunities for Korean firms, and pledged to do his best to promote the cooperation in the time ahead.

The diplomat noted his belief that on the foundation of the good relations between the two countries, Korean investors will come to Ninh Binh, and contribute to the development of automobile manufacturing and assembly as well as traffic engineering in Ninh Binh.

He also promised to support the province in attracting Korean investments in the cultural industry and innovation.