Party official receives Japanese PM's special envoy in Hanoi

Le Minh Hung, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Organisation, on July 25 held a reception for Suga Yoshihide, special envoy of Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and former PM of Japan, who is in Vietnam to pay his last respects to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.
Le Minh Hung (R), Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Organisation, and Suga Yoshihide, special envoy of Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and former PM of Japan, at their meeting in Hanoi on July 25 (Photo: VNA)
Le Minh Hung (R), Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Organisation, and Suga Yoshihide, special envoy of Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and former PM of Japan, at their meeting in Hanoi on July 25 (Photo: VNA)

Hung said that in his lifetime, the Party chief always attached special importance to strengthening and deepening Vietnam’s friendship and cooperation with Japan on the basis of ensuring benefits of both countries, contributing to peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region. Notably, he made great contributions to the elevation of bilateral relations in 2014 and 2023.

Hung called on the former Japanese PM to continue supporting the enhancement of the Vietnam-Japan friendship and cooperation across the sectors of economy, trade, and investment, as well as new areas such as digital transformation and green transition. It is also necessary to promote collaboration and exchanges between the two countries' parliaments and legislative units, facilitate interactions between their friendship parliamentarians' groups and young parliamentarians, and strengthen bilateral human resources connections and personnel training.

For his part, Suga conveyed the deep condolences of the Government, PM Kishida Fumio, and people of Japan over the passing of the Party General Secretary.

He expressed his wish that Hung, as Chairman of the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Parliarmentarians' Group, would further promote exchanges between the two countries’ parliaments and friendship parliamentarians' groups.

The Japanese government is committed to strengthening the substantial and effective friendship and cooperation between the sides in the fields of defence-security, investment, and trade, while increasing close bilateral coordination regarding regional and international issues.