PM: Vietnam attaches importance to developing relations with China

Vietnam attaches importance to developing its traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with the Chinese Party, State and people, said Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (L) and Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China. (Photo: VNA)
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (L) and Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China. (Photo: VNA)

Meeting with Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Beijing on April 25, PM Phuc expressed his pleasure at the positive development of relations between the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the CPC as well as between the two nations over the recent past.

The Vietnamese PM said the CPV and CPC set up effective and diversified cooperation mechanisms, which help the two sides realise the common perceptions reached by their senior leaders.

Cooperative ties and exchanges between the National Assembly of Vietnam and the National People’s Congress of China as well as between the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and important ministries and sectors such as defence, public security, and foreign affairs, have been stepped up, he said.

The sharing of experience in national construction and development as well as in the Party building is of important significance, contributing to the enhancement of the bilateral friendship, win-win cooperation and mutual assistance and support, he said.

PM Phuc congratulated China on its remarkable achievements in the Party building and anti-corruption, and expressed his wish to exchange experience with China in this field.

The Vietnamese leader believed that China will implement successfully the goals set at the 19th National Congress of the CPC in the cause of national construction and development.

For his part, Wang welcomed PM Phuc and the Vietnamese delegation’s attendance at the upcoming second Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, saying this showed that the Vietnamese Party and State treasured Vietnam-China relations, thus contributing to the success of the event.

He affirmed that the Chinese Party and State have also attached importance to relations with Vietnam and agreed to work with the Southeast Asian country to maintain high-level meetings, increase political trust, and promote cooperative fields, including cooperation through the Party channel.

The Chinese official applauded the enhancement of trade and economic ties, helping to develop the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in a stable, healthy and sustainable manner.