Politburo issues disciplinary warnings for MIC leaders

The Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee issued a warning as a disciplinary measure against Truong Minh Tuan, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) and MIC Minister, on July 12.

Tuan, who is also a member of the Party Committee of the Central Agencies Bloc for 2015-2020, was also relieved from his post as Secretary of the Party Committee of the MIC for the 2016-2021 term.

The decision was made during a meeting of the Politburo in Hanoi, chaired by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam’s (CPV) Central Committee, Nguyen Phu Trong.

The Politburo also asked the Government’s Party Committee to instruct the execution of administrative disciplines against Tuan in line with Party punishments.

According to the Politburo, Tuan must bear the responsibility for the violations and wrongdoings committed by the ministry’s Party Committee for 2011-2016 term, as he was serving as a member of the Party Committee of the MIC and was MIC Deputy Minister.

He violated the principle of democratic centralism and working regulations, showed a lack of responsibility and lax in leadership when tasked with directing the implementation of the project on the purchase of 95% of the shares at the AVG Audiovisual JSC by the MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation. He also signed Decision No.236/QD-BTTTT dated December 21, 2015, on the ministry’s approval of the project, as well as a number of related documents against regulations, including documents beyond his assigned duty.

In his capacity as Secretary of the MIC’s Party Committee and MIC Minister from April 2016, Tuan is held responsible for the violations and wrongdoings committed by the committee for the 2016-2021 tenure.

During the meeting, the Politburo also concluded that Nguyen Bac Son, former Party Central Committee member, former Secretary of the Party Committee of the MIC, and former Minister of the MIC, is the main culprit for violations and wrongdoings committed by the Party Committee during 2011-2016.

He violated the principle of democratic centralism and working regulations, and showed signs of imposition and a lack of democracy in his leadership and steering work. He directly decided and instructed on many of the project’s contents that were against legal regulations. He signed project-related documents that were submitted to the Prime Minister for approval and assigned his subordinates to sign a number of project-related documents that were against regulations and not included in their duty description. He also made insufficient direction and inspection during the implementation of the project.

The Politburo said the violations by Son and Tuan are very serious. It, therefore, asked the Party Central Committee to consider serious punishment against Son within its authority.

According to the Politburo, the MIC’s Party Committee committed serious violations in the case, causing huge losses to the State budget and seriously affecting the operation and equitisation of Mobifone, harming the prestige of Party organisations and the ministry, and stirring public anxiety. It also let to some of the ministry’s leaders to seriously violate working regulations and fail to complete their assigned tasks.

At a meeting in Hanoi on July 10, the Secretariat of the CPV Central Committee decided to issue a warning against the committee.