Quang Tri announces master planning scheme for 2021-2030 period

The central province of Quang Tri held a conference on July 6 to announce its master planning scheme for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050.
Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long speaks at the conference. (Photo: NDO)
Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long speaks at the conference. (Photo: NDO)

Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long attended the conference and handed over the decision approving the provincial master planning scheme. The event also saw the presence of leaders of ministries, departments, branches, investors, etc.

The conference aimed to provide basic information about the Quang Tri provincial master planning scheme for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050; as well as introduce and promote the province's potential, advantages, and investment attraction orientation to domestic and foreign investors.

Speaking at the conference, Vo Van Hung, Deputy Secretary of the Quang Tri Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, said that Quang Tri’s master planning scheme was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 1737/QD-TTg, dated December 29, 2023, which is considered an event of particular importance to the development of the province.

In his speech, Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long emphasised the need to urgently implement the planning with specific action programmes and plans, clearly assigning tasks and responsibilities between agencies, as well as to organise the systematic and effective implementation of the tasks set out in the planning.

At the event, Quang Tri Province awarded the decision approving the investment policy and approving investors; documents approving the research and proposal of investment policies by investors; investment registration certificates for more than 16 projects with total capital in the tens of trillions of VND. The province also announced a list of projects calling for investment for the 2024-2030 period.