Resounding Dien Hong spirit

NDO—Over the past year, the National Assembly (NA) has accomplished its entire agenda with a huge volume of work through its two first important sessions taking place at Dien Hong, a large hall with a historical name at the new NA building in Ba Dinh Square.

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan talks with Cuban experts who helped Vietnam during its resistance war. (Photo: Trong Duc)
National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan talks with Cuban experts who helped Vietnam during its resistance war. (Photo: Trong Duc)

Dien Hong recalls the significant historical event which recognised the first democratic congress in the history of Vietnam. 730 years ago in 1284, the Tran Dynasty invited the elderly across the country to the Thang Long Imperial Citadel to join the Dien Hong Conference to mobilise the entire people to join the resistance against the Yuan invaders. The values of the Dien Hong Conference and the democratic spirit have been preserved over the past 730 years, inspiring NA deputies to be aware of their great responsibility as those in charge of voicing the aspirations and opinions of the people.

For the first time, the 2013 Constitution regulated that after being elected, the President, Chairperson of the National Assembly, Prime Minister, and Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court shall take an oath of loyalty to the Fatherland, the People and the Constitution. And NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan was the first one to take an oath. The image of the first Chairwoman of the Vietnamese NA throughout 70 years of its history placing her hand on the Constitution in front of the red flag with a yellow star left a deep impression on people across the country.

People put their trust and great expectations in the results and the effectiveness of NA activities over the past year, especially the assertive and flexible leadership of the new NA Chairwoman and the responsibility of members of the NA Standing Committees and NA deputies. The domestic and international media spoke highly of innovative steps as well as the efficiency of the operations of the NA in its recent terms. Notably, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has left a very good impression on voters across the country as well as at the world’s parliamentary forums. She is considered a typical modern Vietnamese woman.

Over the past two plenary sessions, the deputies showed their great sense of responsibility to complete the heavy working agenda. From the beginning of the 14th NA, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan pledged her strong determination to improve the legislature’s operation quality in her inaugural speech to the NA, constituents and people nationwide, which was proved at the second session.

The live-broadcast question and answer session at the second session of the 14th NA was appreciated by deputies and voters nationwide as one of the legislature’s efforts to renovate and increase the efficiency of its operations. During the session, lawmakers raised questions on numerous issues of relevance to the nation, while answerers also directly replied to the queries. Many voters were satisfied with the renovation of the Q&A session, noting that it would help NA deputies, voters and people nationwide understand more about the efforts by ministers and Cabinet members to address weaknesses.

The first two sessions of the 14th NA marked a spirit of innovation, solidarity, creativity and action in the interest of the people and the country, creating momentum for the next activities of the highest organ of the people. The NA continued to perform very well its role as the highest representative agency of the people and the supreme body of State power of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.