Severe heatwave continues to spread across north and central regions

Suffocating heat continues to hit northern and north-central provinces with temperatures ranging from 37-40 degrees Celsius and even over 41 degrees C in some places, announced the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.

The extreme weather, which will cause temperatures to remain at above 35 degrees C for 10 to 19 hours per day, will come alongside low humidity of between 40% and 55%.
The extreme weather, which will cause temperatures to remain at above 35 degrees C for 10 to 19 hours per day, will come alongside low humidity of between 40% and 55%.

The extreme weather, which will cause temperatures to remain at above 35 degrees C for 10 to 19 hours per day, will come alongside low humidity of between 40% and 55%.

Medical experts warn of dehydration, exhaustion, and heat stroke if the human body is exposed to high temperatures for a long time.

The hot weather is set to subside from June 22 in the North, but the blistering heat in the Central region will continue for several days after.