Top leader demands strong reform of NA's organisation, activities

Party General Secretary and State President To Lam requested the National Assembly (NA) push ahead with strongly reforming its organisation and activities, while addressing the opening of the 15th-tenure NA’s 8th session in Hanoi on October 21.
Party General Secretary and State President To Lam addresses the 8th session of the 15th-tenure National Assembly on October 21. (Photo: VNA)
Party General Secretary and State President To Lam addresses the 8th session of the 15th-tenure National Assembly on October 21. (Photo: VNA)

In his remarks, Lam said the ongoing 8th plenary session is the one dealing with the biggest workload since the start of the parliament’s 15th tenure, and also the first to institutionalise the resolution of the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee’s 10th session to quickly carry out the Party’s policies and resolve many other nationally important issues, creating prerequisites and making all-round preparations to lead the country to a new era – that of the nation’s rise.

Hailing the NA’s significant contributions to national achievements, he said activities of the parliament have been reformed much and become more practical and effective. It has increasingly brought into play its role as the supreme representative organ of the people and the supreme organ of the State power.

To meet the national development demand in the new era, he asked the NA to continue strongly reforming its organisation and activities in accordance with Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW, dated November 9, 2022, issued at the 6th session of the 13th Party Central Committee about the continuation of building and perfecting the law-governed socialist State of Vietnam in the new period.

Lam emphasised the importance of strongly reforming the legislative work, which must change the law-making mindset in a way that meets the state management requirement while at the same time encouraging creativity, unleashing all production forces, and facilitating all resources for development.

He also pointed out the need to reform the law building and enforcement process, closely follow the situation of Vietnam to develop appropriate legal regulations, promote power decentralisation, thoroughly reform administrative procedures, cut compliance cost, and create optimum conditions for people and businesses.

It is also necessary to control power in law building, tighten discipline, enhance the sense of responsibility, especially that among leaders, and adamantly combat negative phenomena and group interests. In addition, it is a need to actively and quickly create legal corridors for new issues and trends, particularly those related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, and green transition, so as to form a legal framework for successfully carrying out a digital transformation revolution and create breakthrough for national development in the years to come, Lam went on.

In his address, the top leader also demanded the NA better perform its functions of exercising supreme supervision and making decisions about nationally important issues, continue to improve the quality of question-and-answer activities and supervision of legal documents, pay more attention to monitoring and promoting the post-supervision settlement of petitions, and reform the process for deciding the state budget affairs and supervising the implementation of budget plans.

He asked the NA, its agencies, and deputies to uphold their solidarity and sense of responsibility to fulfill their duties, thus joining hands with the entire Party, people, and army to soon successfully develop a socialist Vietnam comparable with powers across the five continents as wished by President Ho Chi Minh and all people.