Vietnam, China coordinate in fight against cross-border crimes

Delegations of Vietnam’s Thu Lum, Ma Lu Thang Border Gate, Si Lo Lau and Y Ty border posts and China’s Jin Shuihe border exit and entry checkpoint held talks on August 1 in the northern mountainous province of Lai Chau to exchange professional knowledge in the second quarter of 2024.
The two sides sign a memorandum of understanding at the talks (Photo: VNA)
The two sides sign a memorandum of understanding at the talks (Photo: VNA)

During the talks, which were held in an atmosphere of sincerity, friendship, cooperation and mutual trust, the two sides reviewed results of coordination in border management and fighting cross-border crimes from the beginning of the second quarter.

They exchanged opinions on continuing law enforcement cooperation and increasing exchanges. They agreed on common perceptions such as continuing to strictly implement the three legal documents on border, the agreement between the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence and the Chinese Ministry of Public Security on establishing a three-level law enforcement coordination mechanism in border control at border gates and land border management.

Both sides pledged to maintain the existing bilateral cooperation mechanisms, especially regular meetings, periodic talks, information exchanges, hotlines, and joint patrols.

They will strengthen coordination in combating and preventing cross-border crimes, especially terrorism, human and drug trafficking, illegal transportation of weapons and explosives to ensure security and order at border gates and border areas of both sides.

The border post of the Ma Lu Thang Border Gate and the Jin Shuihe border exit and entry checkpoint agreed to vote for and award the "Friendship Ambassador" title to officers and soldiers directly carrying out exit and entry procedures at the two sides' border gates. The dissemination and education of legal documents on border and others will be strengthened to continuously raise awaremess and law abidance of border residents.

The two sides committed to advising their local authorities to soon organise a ceremony to announce the upgrade of the Ma Lu Thang – Jin Shuihe border gate pair to an international one, officially open the U Ma Tu Khoong – Pinghe border gate and promote the reopening of activities at border crossings.