Vietnam leaves strong imprints as active, effective member at UNSC

The theme “Vietnam: A Trusted Partner for Sustainable Peace” clearly reflects Vietnam's goals and commitments as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2020-2021 term on promoting multilateral cooperation and enhancing the effectiveness of methods in solving global problems. Following the success of the 2008-2009 term, the second time carrying out this international responsibility also marked Vietnam's outstanding contributions.

Security Council adopts resolution on Somalia. (Photo: the UN)
Security Council adopts resolution on Somalia. (Photo: the UN)

Advantages and disadvantages

Vietnam assumed the position of a non-permanent member of the UNSC for the 2020-2021 term in the context that the complicated and unpredictable political-security, socio-economic situation and international relations in the world. Major countries have increased their strategic competition, conflicts and instability have escalated in many places, many new hotspots have appeared, and old instability has become even more complicated. Non-traditional security challenges are increasingly serious and difficult to control, especially when the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic with unpredictable impacts.

Continuing to take on a large volume of work, covering situations around the world, the UNSC has had to adjust the way it operates to accommodate the new complicated context. According to the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations and at the UNSC, tensions among major countries tended to increase, the percentage of resolutions approved by all 15 members was at the lowest level in decades. The complicated international situation caused an increase of emergency meetings, voting many times on certain issues, with some drafts being unable to gain approval.

Joining the UNSC, the body with highest authority for the second time, Vietnam had advantages as its national status has been increasingly enhanced. The country established diplomatic relations with 189 out of 193 countries on all continents, including partnerships with major countries and all five permanent members of the UNSC. The international situation has been complicated, but countries have highly appreciated the role of the UN and recognised the need to strengthen multilateral cooperation and coordinative actions to solve global problems.

However, the difficulty was due to the complicated international and regional context, requiring bravery and skilful handling when there were differences between members, while still ensuring the principles, stance and interests of Vietnam. Like other member countries, Vietnam had to both contribute to solving global problems and overcome serious challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Promoting international peace and security

Vietnam joined the UNSC with an aim to contribute to the common work of the world, especially addressing international peace and security issues. The country wishes to promote a multilateral approach, collective action, consensus, uphold international law, settle disputes by peaceful means, and at the same time share the common concern of the international community on many issues.

The priority goals that Vietnam pursued during the term included conflict prevention, preventive diplomacy, and settling disputes by peaceful means; strengthening the role of regional organisations; protecting civilians and civilian facilities in armed conflict; protecting and enhancing the role of women, and protecting children; conflict settlement, reconstruction and development; improving the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping operations; and dealing with the impact of climate change on international peace and security.

According to the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the UN, during its tenure, Vietnam always upheld a constructive approach, promoted consensus and cooperation, and wanted related parties to increase exchanges towards reducing differences and increasing similarities. In many issues of concern to the international community, Vietnam emphasised the peaceful settlement of disputes on the basis of respecting the independence and sovereignty of nations while promoting negotiations and dialogue to find comprehensive and long-term solutions to conflicts.

With a clear and consistent policy as well as a thorough preparation process, with a constructive approach, bravery and ability to skilfully handle arising complicated issues, Vietnam not only caught up with the fast pace, fully participated in meetings, but also actively and effectively contributed in addressing all issues, participated in negotiations, as well as developed resolutions and documents. In the context of the raging pandemic, Vietnam flexibly handled challenges, ensured the normal operation of the UNSC, and quickly and effectively prepared for and reacted to arising issues, such as new complicated developments in some areas or urgent meeting requirements.

With the member countries of the UNSC, Vietnam maintained exchanges and shared views, strengthened coordination with the five permanent members (P5 group), and actively contributed to activities, supported the initiative, opinions and proposals of 10 non-permanent member countries (E10 group). Meanwhile, UNSC member countries also respected and listened to Vietnam’s opinions when participating in handling complicated issues.

Highlights of Vietnam’s contributions

The two “presidential months” were the highlights of Vietnam’s contributions during the term. Right at the beginning of its tenure, in January, 2020, Vietnam assumed the rotating presidency of the UNSC at a time of special significance as the UN kicked off activities to celebrate its 75th anniversary. Vietnam also started the ASEAN Chairmanship Year in 2020.

Vietnam’s initiatives and proposals were highly approved by all members. In particular, the ministerial-level open debate of the UNSC with the theme “Promoting compliance with the UN Charter to maintain international peace and security” received a record high level of interest, with the participation of speakers from more than 100 countries. For the first time, the UNSC adopted a separate Presidential Statement of compliance with the UN Charter.

A session on the topic of cooperation between the UN and ASEAN in maintaining international peace and security also created the first forum on exchange and cooperation between the UNSC and ASEAN. Vietnam’s initiatives were in line with the wishes of the international community and ASEAN in particular, which is to uphold the UN Charter and international law, while affirming ASEAN’s central role in the regional structure.

In April 2021, for the second time in its tenure as the President of the UNSC, Vietnam managed the work of the Council in a professional, brave, objective and balanced manner, meeting the utmost needs and legitimate concerns and proposals of countries, skilfully handling the differences between members.

A special highlight was the High-level Open Debate of the UNSC on “Cooperation between the UN and regional organisations in enhancing confidence-building and dialogue in conflict prevention and resolution”, chaired by Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc. This is the first time a senior Vietnamese leader has hosted an important event at the UNSC. The event also elevated Vietnam’s initiative to promote cooperation between ASEAN and the UN, as well as demonstrated its role as responsible ASEAN member and its capacity in its responsibilities at the UNSC, while at the same time sent an important message underscoring Vietnam’s interest in promoting the role of regional organisations in maintaining peace, preventing conflicts and promoting development.

The theme of events proposed and chaired by Vietnam highlighted the motto “A reliable partner for sustainable peace” throughout the term, in harmony with the common interests and concerns of the international community. Vietnam also integrated the country’s priorities and interests with common goals through the use of “highlight events”. The success of the term clearly shows Vietnam’s capacity, bravery, shaping and leading thinking, leaving a mark on multilateral foreign affairs imbued with Vietnamese identity.

Translated by NDO