Work starts on Pegavision's contact lense factory in Thai Binh

Pegavision Corporation (Taiwan, China) held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Pegavision Vietnam factory project, specialising in the manufacture of contact lenses, at Lien Ha Thai Industrial Park (belonging to Thai Binh Economic Zone) on March 5.
At the ceremony.
At the ceremony.

The ceremony was attended by members of the Party Central Committee: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang; and Ngo Dong Hai,Secretary of Thai Binh Provincial Party Committee.

The Pegavision Vietnam factory project has a total investment capital of 4,680 billion VND (200 million USD), covering an area of 100,000 square metres (of which, the construction land area is more than 43,000 square metres).

The project is divided into two investment phases, inwhich phase 1 has investment capital of 1,170 billion VND.

The project will have a production scale of 600 million products per year. Revenue when production is stable will reach about 2,800 billion VND, and contribute about 86 billion VND to the budget.

The contact lens factory is expected to attract 1,140 workers, with an average monthlysalary of 8 million VND per person.

Pegavision Corporation was established in 2009, focusing on research, production, and marketing of soft contact lenses and medical optical devices. The company's products and services are globally certified and present in the market in more than 17 countries and regions.