Conference on Vietnam-China fishery co-operation opens in Hai Phong

A conference on the inspection work of the implementation of the Vietnam-China Agreement on Fishery Co-operation in the Tonkin Gulf was held in the northern port city of Hai Phong on November 25.


The conference was held jointly by the Vietnam Coast Guard High Command and the High Command of the Nanhai Fleet under the China Coast Guard.

Before the conference, Major General Nguyen Quang Dam, Commander of the Vietnam Coast Guard received a delegation from the China Coast Guard.

Major General Nguyen Quang Dam spoke highly of the two sides’ activities in implementing the Vietnam-China Agreement on Fishery Co-operation in the Tonkin Gulf.

He also expressed his wish for the two countries’ naval forces to continue to work out concrete measures for the stability and legitimate interests of the two countries' fishermen.

Vietnam and China have co-ordinated in maintaining fishery activities as well as security and order at sea. The granting of operational licences to fishing boats has complied with the agreement’s stipulations. The two countries’ fishermen have generally fully complied with the inspection and surveillance of patrol forces of both sides.

Also at the conference, the two sides also agreed to set up a hotline to deal with relevant incidents at sea as part of efforts to continue to implement the agreement.