The Vietnamese delegation also won two second and two third prizes at the event thanks to four teams from Hoa Lu and Le Quy Don Schools (Da Nang), Dinh Tien Hoang School (Ho Chi Minh City) and Nguyen Tat Thanh School (Hanoi).
They were among 53 teams participating in the event that had earned high prizes at national Robothon contests.
The International Robothon, held in alternating Southeast Asian countries, is a challenge for students to compete and learn creative problem-solving skills.
The theme for 2016 was the Internet of Things (IoT), which required teams to design, build and program robots that can execute multiple tasks and demonstrate a solution that is similar to what engineers might face. Students were also asked to simulate groundbreaking technologies to solve these complex problems.
The event provides a venue for students to encourage creativity, charge their minds with innovative ideas and problem-solving prowess and bring them closer to the future of science and technology.