Deep grief over beloved Party General Secretary!

The passing away of beloved Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a great loss for the entire Party, people, army, and Vietnamese community abroad as well as an immense regret for international friends. His family lost a very loved relative that nothing can make up for.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: Dang Khoa)

In recent years, although his health condition was not good, with the responsibility of being the highest leader of the Party, he promoted the spirit, responsibility, and revolutionary enthusiasm to work until his last breath, with just one wish: for the Party to be truly pure and strong; the country to become increasingly prosperous and developed, equal to the great powers of the five continents, as per President Ho Chi Minh’s wish; and that the people are all happy.

Born to a poor peasant family, with the will to overcome difficulties and follow the sacred calling of the Fatherland, he became a party member at the age of 23. Undertaking many working positions, no matter what the job or where he was, he always lived and worked with all his heart, successfully completing all assigned tasks, worthy of the trust of the Party, agencies, and units and the respect and admiration of his comrades and colleagues.

In particular, during his nearly three terms as the Party General Secretary, he made extremely important contributions, together with the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat, in leading the Party to help the Vietnamese people overcome many challenges and continue the cause of successful innovation in many fields (from socio-economics to Party and political system building, national defence, security, and foreign affairs) so that the country may have the fortune, potential, position, and international reputation it enjoys today.

Not only was he a thoughtful and visionary leader, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was also an excellent scientific researcher with outstanding thinking, making a significant contribution to the Party’s theoretical treasure, strongly affirming the superiority of socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam. These contributions are messages of inspiration and confidence for the entire Party and people to continue following the chosen path. They are also valuable reference documents for international friends in the process of national construction, thus contributing to the development and common progress of humanity.

Remembering General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the Vietnamese people bring to mind the image of an exemplary leader who talks the talk and walks the walk, aiming for the best, while also being intolerant of wrongdoings, especially the deterioration of political ideology, morality, and lifestyle, and manifestations of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation.” The results of the building and rectifying the Party and fighting against corruption in recent years have left a deep impression, multiplying the strength of solidarity and unity in the Party and the entire political system to make the Party worthy of its position as leaders and loyal servants of the people while building a state of the people, by the people, and for the people. These results are associated with the name and considerable efforts of our beloved late General Secretary.

In foreign affairs, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong left many imprints, especially in upgrading relations with a number of countries to strategic partnerships and comprehensive strategic partnerships, on the principles of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation, and mutual development as well as Vietnam being a friend, a reliable partner, and an active and responsible member of the international community. That is the basis for the country to proactively and actively integrate more deeply into the world in accordance with the development trend of the times and with the combined strengths of the nation and the times in the building and defending the socialist movement in Vietnam.

Mourning General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the Vietnamese people remember an exemplary, intellectual, brave, dedicated, and simple official who was close to and understanding of the people, with outstanding contributions to the country. Therefore, along with the noble awards given by the Party and State, the General Secretary has also earned another noble reward: his imprint in the hearts of the people.

Birth, old age, illness, and death are the impermanent laws of human life, and no one can avoid them. But his passing has left the entire Party and people with indescribable grief, just like the passing of a loved one in every family. Time will pass, life ahead will still have countless difficulties and challenges. However, it is believed that on that journey, his dedication and his beloved image will always be a driving force and a source of encouragement for the people to move forward steadily.

More than ever, let’s turn the feelings for the General Secretary into concrete actions. The entire Party, people, and army should have absolute confidence in the Party’s leadership. We should be more united, striving to overcome all difficulties together and to continue to perform well in what the General Secretary and the Party have been doing, towards the excellent completion of the set goals and good organisation of party congresses at all levels, including the 14th Party Congress.