Dong Trieu town established

A ceremony was held on April 24 in Quang Ninh province to announce the establishment of Dong Trieu town and apoint ‘new-style rural district’ certificates.

Deputy PM Phuc presents the government’s emulation flag, ‘new-style rural district’ certificates to the town's Party, government and people.
Deputy PM Phuc presents the government’s emulation flag, ‘new-style rural district’ certificates to the town's Party, government and people.

The ceremony saw the presence of Politburo members, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly (NA) Tong Thi Phong.

Dong Trieu was an important revolutionary base during the resistance war against the French colonialists. The Party Committee and residents of Dong Trieu gained significant achievements over the past years and have been awarded many noble Orders and Certificates of Merit.

Addressing at the event, Deputy PM Phuc Dong Trieu’s outstanding achievements in socio-economic development on the whole, and in building new-style rural areas in particular, which he said have contributed to the country’s accomplishments over the past few years.

Dong Trieu should creatively apply preferential policies for building new-style rural areas; proactively mobilise resources from local people, enterprises and society for the campaign; and integrate investment programmes in both infrastructure and production development, he said.

At the event, Deputy PM Phuc also presented the government’s emulation flag, ‘new-style rural district’ certificates to the town's Party, government and people.

On the occasion, Dong Trieu town received a welfare project worth VND10 billion of the government and another welfare project worth VND 10 billion of Quang Ninh province.