First pedestrian street opens in Bac Kan

A pedestrian street along the Cau River opened on August 24 evening in the northern province of Bac Kan’s eponymous capital city.
Local residents visit the pedestrian street along the Cau River. (Photo: Bao Bac Kan)
Local residents visit the pedestrian street along the Cau River. (Photo: Bao Bac Kan)

The opening of Bac Kan’s first pedestrian street came in response to the 2024 Bac Kan Tourism Programme and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Bac Kan.

At about one kilometre long, the pedestrian street stretches along Thanh Nien Street from the intersection with Doi Ky Bridge to the Vo Nguyen Giap Street intersection.

Open from 6 pm to 11 pm every Friday and Saturday, the pedestrian street features a wide range of activities, including performances of folk music and dances, traditional folk games, painting exhibitions and displays of local products.

The walking street along the Cau River expects to create a new venue to experience Bac Kan’s nightlife.