Former President Truong Tan Sang attends inauguration of cultural house in Cao Bang

An inauguration ceremony for a cultural house combined with a worship space for victims of the 1979 northern border defence war, was held in Dong Chup Hamlet, Hung Dao Commune, Cao Bang City on the morning of February 19, in the presence of former President Truong Tan Sang.
The cultural house in Dong Chup Hamlet, Hung Dao Commune, Cao Bang City. (Photo: NDO)
The cultural house in Dong Chup Hamlet, Hung Dao Commune, Cao Bang City. (Photo: NDO)

The house was built on an area of about 4,300m2, with a total investment of over 13 billion VND (530,000 USD) sourced from non-state sources.

The construction project includes a two-storey house with a total floor area of 670m2, in addition to a well, a pond, and a garden.

Former President Truong Tan Sang said that the local authorities should expertly manage the work to serve the cultural and spiritual life of the locals.

On the occasion, benefactors presented 108 gifts to residents in Dong Chup Hamlet.