Nhan Dan Newspaper's special page arouses love for the country's history

Following the panorama painting on the Dien Bien Phu Victory, which resonated with readers across the country in May and June, on the 70th anniversary of the capital city's Liberation Day (October 10) and meeting the expectations of many readers across the country, Nhan Dan Newspaper organised "Hanoi Flag Tower", a multi-page special presentation, to all provinces and cities across the country.
The representative office of Nhan Dan Newspaper in Thai Binh Province presented the special pages of the flag tower to the Thai Binh Provincial Library.
The representative office of Nhan Dan Newspaper in Thai Binh Province presented the special pages of the flag tower to the Thai Binh Provincial Library.

In Thai Binh Province, over three days (from October 14 to 16), the local representative office of Nhan Dan Newspaper organised the presentation of 4,500 special pages, "Hanoi Flag Tower", to the education sector, libraries and readers in the area.

Readers using scissors to cut and paste images on the publication.

Readers using scissors to cut and paste images on the publication.

Similar to the panorama painting "Dien Bien Phu Campaign", this publication integrates technology by scanning QR codes for readers, especially young people, to interact and learn about vivid and attractive information. Nhan Dan Newspaper has developed the idea and built it into the symbolic theme of the capital, Hanoi Flag Tower.

Teachers and students of Vu Thu Town Primary School (Vu Thu District, Thai Binh Province) learn about the special page "Hanoi Flag Tower" by Nhan Dan Newspaper.

This creative, attractive and interactive way of expression through technology strongly attracts readers to the trend of the 4.0 era. The information is conveyed in a gentle, engaging way, strongly impacting the psychology of young people and helping them to be more passionate about History being taught in schools.

The Representative Office of Nhan Dan Newspaper in Thai Binh Province presented 4,500 special pages of "Hanoi Flag Tower" to the Department of Education and Training of Thai Binh City; Thai Binh Provincial Library; Vu Thu Town Primary School, Tan Phong Primary School (Vu Thu district) and many readers in the area.

* On October 16, the Representative Office of Nhan Dan Newspaper in Dong Nai Province also distributed 4,500 special pages, "Hanoi Flag Tower" of Nhan Dan Newspaper, to schools and readers in the area.

* On the morning of October 16, the Representative Office of Nhan Dan Newspaper in Can Tho City presented 1,000 special pages of "Hanoi Flag Tower" of Nhan Dan Newspaper to teachers and students of Ly Tu Trong High School for the Gifted (Cai Rang District, Can Tho City).