General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's advice engraved deeply in the hearts of overseas Vietnamese

In recent days, overseas Vietnamese (OV) around the world have expressed their deep sorrow at the news of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s passing.
At opening ceremony of the Vietnamese Bookcase to serve the Vietnamese community in France. (Photo MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS)
At opening ceremony of the Vietnamese Bookcase to serve the Vietnamese community in France. (Photo MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS)

Expressing their feelings and gratitude for the leader who was always dedicated to the country and the people, the Vietnamese community abroad remembers General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's advice: "Always look towards the homeland and made practical contributions to national development."

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was a excellent leader who was trusted and loved by the people. The General Secretary's passing is a great loss for the entire Party, the Vietnamese people at home, and the Vietnamese community abroad.

Endless regret

Like many Vietnamese people living, studying and working abroad, overseas Vietnamese in Thailand expressed their deep sadness at the General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing. Luong Xuan Hoa, Member of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and Chairman of the Vietnamese Association in Udon Thani, affirmed that: The people always remember General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong as a bright example, a noble heart, a leader who devoted his whole life to the country and people.

According to Ninh Viet Thong, Vice Chairman of the Association of Vietnamese People in Bangkok and surrounding areas, all overseas Vietnamese felt the intimacy, kindness, as well as the simple lifestyle of the General Secretary.

They welcomed and met with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong every time he visited and worked in Laos, organisations representing the Vietnamese community in the "Land of a Million Elephants”, including the Vietnamese Association in Vientiane, always receives deep attention and valuable sharing from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

This has contributed to cultivating international solidarity and mutual love and support in the community, strengthening trust in the Party and State, and promoting the spirit of looking towarding the homeland in the hearts of every Vietnamese person in Laos.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has devoted all his efforts to the Party's renewal work, contributing to making Vietnam increasingly strong and its position increasingly enhanced in the international arena.

Those achievements are the pride of Vietnamese people abroad, helping those far from home to have more confidence in the Party's leadership and in the revolutionary path that President Ho Chi Minh and his predecessors have established.

Expressing sadness at the General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing on behalf of Vietnamese people in Cambodia, Sim Chy, Chairman of the Khmer-Vietnamese Association in Cambodia (KVA), voiced his wish that the Party and State would continue to promote the strength of the entire people, helping Vietnam become increasingly developed while making the people's lives increasingly prosperous and happy. This is also the common aspiration of the Vietnamese community abroad.

Priceless advice

For Vietnamese communities living far away from their country, meeting the General Secretary is an honour that is difficult to repeat.

The exemplary image and noble personality of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, whether known through books, newspapers, or face-to-face meetings, are bold memories bringing great encouragement to overseas Vietnamese to make greater efforts in contributing to the common cause of developing an increasingly strong and powerful country.

During foreign working trips, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong always took the time to meet with the Vietnamese community.

Remembering the special milestone with the honour and pride of welcoming General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on a visit to France in 2018, Meritorious Artist Tang Thanh Son, Deputy Director in charge of the Vietnamese Cultural Centre in France, always remembers the General Secretary's advice that every individual needs to always remember: they are Vietnamese, no matter what nationality they were born with. With Vietnamese blood in their veins, they must toward their homeland when they grow up.

Director Tang Thanh Son affirmed with pride that, in his life as an artist, promoting culture to international friends, he will never forget the profound words and kind smile of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the Vietnamese Cultural Centre in France.

He, along with the centre's staff and the overseas Vietnamese, have deeply engraved in their hearts the General Secretary's advice that no matter where they were, they should always remember and devote themselves to the country.

For Vietnamese people living abroad and those with foreign nationality of Vietnamese origin, Party and State leaders in general, and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in particular, always pay deep attention to people's lives.

Sim Chy, Chairman of the Khmer-Vietnamese Association in Cambodia, remembered that every time General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited Cambodia, he spent time visiting the Vietnamese community and listening to their thoughts and feelings towards their homeland.

The deep impression of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong that Chairman Sim Chy always remembers is his close attention. Sim Chy shared that the General Secretary instructed association activists, as well as people of Vietnamese origin in Cambodia, to obey the local laws and integrate well with local society of the Khmer people. The Vietnamese community in Cambodia should unite and help each other in life.

A shining example

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's kind and warm words of advice are testament to a great personality who followed President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality, and lifestyle throughout his entire life.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is both an inspiration and a shining example of lifestyle and devotion of all-efforts for the nation’s development cause, for generations of Vietnamese people across all five continents.

Chairman of the Association of Overseas Vietnamese in Russia Do Xuan Hoang shared the widespread grief in the community upon hearing the news of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing.

Vietnamese people abroad, including Russia, are happy with the achievements that Vietnam has achieved in recent times, especially in the fields of economics and diplomacy. These achievements have helped enhance the position of Vietnamese people abroad, creating conditions for people to make a living, develop, and have long-term stability.

According to the Chairman of the Association of Overseas Vietnamese in Russia, the best way to remember the Party General Secretary is to follow his example of integrity, dedication to work, and devotion to the cause of national construction and defence.

According to Tran Phu Thuan, the permanent vice chairperson of the association and a lecturer at the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MITT), the four occasions he met and shook hands with Party General Secretary Trong have become priceless memories of a great leader and a person who was approachable, humble, and endearing to everyone. Thuan asserted that the leader’s shining example of ethics and a lifetime of devotion to the nation and its people earned him unwavering trust from the populace.

Talking about the two occasions when Party General Secretary Trong visited the Vietnamese community in Russia, Pham Thanh Xuan, an active member of the group, said that despite his busy schedule, the late leader always spared time for them and inquired about their well-being. Expressing her honour to represent the community on both visits and convey their aspirations to the Party General Secretary, she noted that what left the deepest impression on her was his humility.

As an official of Hanoi University of Education who is doing a graduate student in Beijing (China), Le Trung Thanh, Chairman of the Overseas Vietnamese Student Association in Beijing, expressed his boundless grief at the General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s passing.

The legacy left by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong will continue to be an important foundation in the country's development process, a source of inspiration and motivation for today and future generations.

The Overseas Vietnamese Student Association in Beijing will continue to promote its role in gathering and uniting members and international students following the example of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Remembering the General Secretary, students are aware of the importance of maintaining good ethics; promoting the spirit of dedication and the determination to study, do scientific research, and improve qualifications and professional knowledge; contributing to developing a country with sustainable development; standing proudly as equals to major powers across all five continents; while at the same time, actively organising volunteer activities, supporting the domestic community through cultural exchange activities, increasing understanding and connecting with international friends, and contributing to promoting Vietnam's image to international friends.

The image of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong as an exemplary leader and noble personality will continue to be a great source of inspiration for the Vietnamese people. The overseas Vietnamese community will continue to make efforts and contribute to the common cause of building an increasingly developed and strong Vietnam.