Ha Nam Provincial People’s Council passes 22 socio-economic resolutions

The 14th People’s Council of the northern province of Ha Nam province considered, discussed and unanimously approved 22 socio-economic resolutions at its regular mid-year meeting, held on July 6.
An overview of the meeting
An overview of the meeting

The contents of the Resolutions are very important, promptly responding to the province's socio-economic development requirements and tasks.

This is considered an important legal basis for the People's Committee of the province, at all levels and concerned sectors to proactively take the initiative in devising breakthrough solutions to successfully implement the set targets and plans for 2023.

Speaking at the meeting, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council Le Thi Thuy suggested that the People's Committee of the province, branches, levels, localities, agencies and units continue to thoroughly grasp and effectively implement the guidelines and resolutions of the Party Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Resolutions of the Provincial People's Council.

She also suggested the provincial People's Council maintain close contact with voters, in order to promptly grasp and propose competent agencies to consider and settle the legitimate opinions and recommendations of voters and people.