Hanoi presents over 120,000 gifts to people with meritorious services to the revolution

Hanoi is scheduled to present 121,215 gifts in July to people with meritorious services to the revolution and their relatives, as well as outstanding collectives and individuals, with a total amount of about 193 billion VND derived from the city budget on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947-July 27, 2023).
Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Tran Sy Thanh presents gifts to policy families in Son Tay town. (Photo: Huy Duong)
Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Tran Sy Thanh presents gifts to policy families in Son Tay town. (Photo: Huy Duong)

According to the Municipal Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, from the beginning of the year, the Department and divisions of districts and towns have received and processed 11,205 dossiers of entitlement to the preferential treatment for people with meritorious services and their relatives with a budget of about 42 billion VND.

The total cost of the city's incentive work for people with meritorious services is over 1 trillion VND billion (of which, full and timely payment of subsidies for over 81,000 people with meritorious services and their relatives are included).

Also in the first six months of 2023, the Department coordinated to search and provide information on 41 cases of martyrs for military units to serve in the search, collection and identification of martyrs' remains.